If Theocracy did a cover song...

Yeah I know that page is weird but I thought the Row Row thing was something that was known before being presented there for a whole day.
It was sung a lot during the Project Chanology raids, along with Astley's "Never Gonna Give You Up". Project Chanology was the internal name for the raids against Scientology. I believe that occured before the site's owner decided to force it upon the rest of the members and whatnot.

But the song is originally from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the best anime to ever exist ever. :rock:

Oh no. A TTLG FAN? AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Some dude tried to get me hooked on anime using that and it did not work, :erk: lets put it that way :Puke: anime is very foreign to me, you see. :lol: and he would force that anime at all his friends. FORCE IT I TELL YOU! He was acting like he was some ancient warrior from a dragonforce song. :mad: And he always said "The only thing impossible is impossible itself!" and he was obsessed with building lego anime mechas. :lol: well I was a lego nerd too because it was on a lego related site. I haven't had contact with Phong Chang (that's the guys name) in a while though. I wonder if he still obsesses over TTLG?
and he would force that anime at all his friends. FORCE IT I TELL YOU!
I'm sorry that's how you were introduced to it, friend. Now let me explain something to you. I HATE anime. With a passion. Gurren Lagann is AMAZING. Kamina (the guy you refered to) is extremely full of himself, yes, but he's also superbadass.

Building anime lego mechas? Haha! That would be sweet.

You really should try to watch it again. The first few episodes dragged through for me, and I was kind of not interested at first. By the time I got to the end of the first season, I was in love with it.

Reject common sense to make the impossible, possible!
Yes. Here are some i did a while back... lol. I was a pretty popular builder but nothing special. Phong on the other hand was like top notch.




Thanks. lol. I haven't picked up those bricks in a while though. Not sure how it would go now. When my cousin comes over we might do some legos... maybe then I'll do another one lol.
Kinda resurrecting this thread, but I think that this song would be fairly appropriate.

Crazy Train would be cool but that's not original, everyone does a cover of Crazy Train.(BFMV)

I say they should do a cover of God Blessed Texas. :D

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I'm still saying The Accolade and Accolade II by Symphony X. Or they could do Time by Pink Floyd... even though it's a different type of music. It rocks.