But the song is originally from Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann, the best anime to ever exist ever.![]()
I'm sorry that's how you were introduced to it, friend. Now let me explain something to you. I HATE anime. With a passion. Gurren Lagann is AMAZING. Kamina (the guy you refered to) is extremely full of himself, yes, but he's also superbadass.and he would force that anime at all his friends. FORCE IT I TELL YOU!
Reject common sense to make the impossible, possible!
WOAH that's awesome!!One of my legomen:
He was with me in the forest some times last year. ( i do not know how to link, so that the image will be seen in the post)
Lego is cool!
Crazy Train would be cool but that's not original, everyone does a cover of Crazy Train.(BFMV)
I say they should do a cover of God Blessed Texas.
Endless Sacrifice or In the Prescence of Enemies pt. II by Dream Theater....both have pretty cool power metal vox by LaBrie.
Or maybe Forsaken