Submit your questions for ONSLAUGHT


Mar 17, 2008
Sheffield, United Kingdom.
Since Onslaught are playing on Testament's UK trek, I thought it'd be a good idea to try and get an interview with them. Post any questions you'd like answered here, anything at all (but try and stay on the subject of the band please, no time for too much silliness)

I'll be at the Sheffield date on July 20th - thats Monday - so all questions need to be submitted before then. Hopefully it'll end up on UK Thrash Podcast no.8.

Annnnnnnnnnd... GO!
well doing extensive research costing millions of dollars ie, googling "why do kids love cinnamon toast crunch" i have discovered after many grueling hours a result that is wholly conclusive... its because... *mentally breaks down* i really dont know there was so many answers, some people said because it had tan lines, its the taste you can see, its high sugar content some guy even put " You're stupid, more boys buy it cause it tastes like cock. They can openly say they like vagina, but they can't openly say they like cock without being ridiculed their entire life. But secretly they do like cock and that is their cock taste fix. " link here so in conclusion I DNUH LARK
Ask them what they know of Coroner and if nothing, "enlighten" them. :lol:

But on a serious note: What inspired the different musical direction on In Search Of Sanity? Was it the change in singer or label pressures etc? (Its probably a mixture of the lot but it'd be good to hear it from the band).
Ask them what their favorite bands are,and what that 5 min asylum
song at the beginning of in search of sanity is all about.
LMAO you don't love me anymore? :(

Yes they're supporton all the UK dates with Testament, as are Warbinger who - I think- are the opening act. Warbringer were announced first and then Nige announced Onslaught's involvement very recently, like the past week or two.

In fact, I was considering asking something about The Legion on our behalf but I wouldn't know what to say :lol: "So I started a tribute to you lot, do I get sex?" haha