Suck my guts?

Sea Bass

May 18, 2007
'sup. I haven't been here in a while, and I wasn't the most active of posters back when I was, so I doubt I'll be remembered, but hey.

Thing is, I have a question. I've been looking for a Nightmares Made Flesh shirt for a while now, the original one with the silver logo and "SUCK MY GUTS!" on the back. Couldn't afford it when it was still for sale. Can't find it now. Nowhere. Not on eBay, not on the internet, nowhere.

So I was hoping to get one printed myself. Thing is, firstly I dunno if that'd violate any copyright rules. (I could probably not ask here and get away with it, but I'm all in favour of supporting the band and shizzle, y'know.) Secondly, if I am to do this, I'd need massive pictures to avoid shitty pixelation. All I have is this:


Possibly I could print a doll shirt with that, but not much else.

So yeah, basically I have 2 questions. a) Would Bloodbath carve me up and slice me apart if I printed my own shirt, considering I own a shirt and all the albums already, and thus aren't a leeching parasite, and b) does anyone have high quality pictures of said shirt?
I'll sell mine, large size used but in good condition and clean for $12U.S inc. postage to anywhere in the world.
In case anyone was still interested, I'm now the proud owner of an official Suck my Guts shirt ^_^