Suggest a couple of interesting films


Metal as fuck
Aug 24, 2001
Blue Mountains, Australia
Suggest a couple of films you think the board members should check when they can.

Spun - Mickey Rourke, Brittany Murphy, Mira Suvari, Debbie Harry, Rob Halford

Arty film about the crystal-meth culture in white-trash ville, USA. Rourke plays a meth cook and Murphy and Suvari are a couple of hopeless drug addicts. Cool film with a heap of metal references: there's a funny scene with a trailer trash teen black metal fan watching a Satyricon video when the cops bust him, and Even Dando does an acoustic version of "The Number of the Beast" during the opening sequence. Halford plays a gay porn store clerk. :)

Wonderland - Val Kilmer, Kate Bosworth, Lisa Kudrow, Dylan McDermott

Kilmer and McDermott are great in this. Kilmer plays porn actor John Holmes deep in the clutches of his $5000 a day coke habit. It's based on the true story of the Wonderland murders where some small time crooks rip off a drug lord and get viciously bashed to death.
I'll just recommend my two favourite films:

Broadcast News - top stuff.

Paths of Glory - top stuff. One of the films everyone seems to forget about when talking about Kubrick. It's always Clockwork Orange this, Full Metal Jacket that. Paths of Glory is awesome.
Hedwig and the Angry Inch - The first movie DVD I bought. Great movie, great music.

About Schmidt - Jack [size=-1]Nicholson. It's not that old, but a great, great film.
American Pie 2 - a very deep film about existentialism and the struggles of everyday life in Cambodia.

Life is Beautiful - an awesome and hilarious film, which most of you are probably aware of already.
Now I'm also going to suggest "Open Your Eyes" because I just finished watching it on SBS. It's a Spanish psycological thriller and it's *great*.

Oh, apparently it's what Vanilla Sky was based on. I didn't know that. I knew it was based on something, just didn't realise it was this. I haven't seen it. There is no way Vanilla Sky could be as good as this. No. Way.
Yep, VanSky was based on Open Your Eyes. A remake, like. Haven't seen the original yet.

I like Vanilla Sky, but many, many people hate it.
I thought Vanilla Sky was fuckin awesome. Especially the end where it all comes together.

I will reccomend:

The 25th Hour starring Ed Norton, Phillip Seymor Hoffman, Barry Pepper, Anna Paquin, Brian Cox, Rosario Dawson

Norton is a drug dealer who has a great life and a beautiful girlfriend. When the DEA are tipped off they find several kilos of cocaine in his sofa and he is sentenced to 7 years under strict new NYC laws. With his last day before jail upon him, Monty meets with his father, friends and business partners for one last time, meanwhile he tries to figure out who it was that gave him away to the DEA.

One of the best movies I have sen for a long time. The Fuck You speech was just fuckin awesome :headbang:
A Mighty Wind - Once you see this, go out and see all of Christopher Guest's movies, he truly is the best film-maker ever.

Happiness - Wow. That's all I can say about this one. Wow. The last scene between the boy and his father was one of the most breath-taking things I've ever seen on film.
Ah ceydn, I was thinking of Happiness a couple of days ago! The only nice, normal people in it are the kid, and the shy sister. The rest are fucking freaks. Top film.

Seems like Ed Norton has been in some great films. I need to check out more of his stuff. Still haven't seen American History X.
Begotten- Begotten may be one of the most mentally scarring movies I've ever seen, and my view of film will never be the same.

It's graphically violent and sexual, and contains a couple of scenes that made my stomach churn; but it's impact doesn't come from shock, it comes from its visual intensity. Shot mostly in a super-high-contrast black & white, using a variety of film-altering techniques (the DVD claims it could take up to 10 hours to process a single minute of film) the entire movie forces your eyes to work, straining to make pictures and meaning out of this overtly symbolic, dialogless, deeply freakish film.

I copied that review, but it sums it up.

This film is fucking nasty, it seriously fucks with your head, but it's worth it just so you can talk about metaphysis and seem smart in front of chicks.
Winmar, you're right - Life Is Beautiful is a TOP fillum! :kickass: Saw it TWICE at the cinema :D Gotta buy the DVD one day... along with the DVD for:

THREE COLOURS RED!! (How could I forget this, my FAVOURITE film - equal with My Life As A Dog) Fuck me, that movie just weeps soul :headbang: