Suggest a couple of interesting films

Goreripper said:
Fuck you need to see that. Norton's skinhead in that film makes Crowe's Hando look like a choirboy.
Hmmm, it's been ages since I saw American History X, and even longer since I saw Romper Stomper, but from what I remember American History X was kinda tame. It had that chick in it from The Craft :)
It's interesting to see how the actors from The Goonies have or haven't changed. Chunk doesn't seem to be fat anymore, and is a lawyer or something, isn't he? What's Corey Feldman doing these days? The guy who played Data seems really quiet. The one who played the blonde chick is just fucking annoying. Have any of them other than Sean Astin done anything notable in recent times?
I haven't seen The Goonies since it was first at the cinemas. Methinks I shall have to watch it again some time.

I never realised Martha Plimpton was in it - good actress.
Which one's she again, Spiff?

On an unrelated note, why's this forum so quiet at the mo? I last came on here on Wednesday, and only about five threads have been posted on since then.
Coz I dont know where it is you big baloney... You make me wanna WRETCH...

*Falls over*