Suggest a couple of interesting films

I definitely think Romper Stomper is better than American History X, and Rusty Crowe was much, much better than the excellent Edward Norton.
He's so tough he doesn't need to! And Rusty didn't change his entire philosophy and outlook on life after getting bummed in the showers. I have never been raped, but surely it doesn't have that much of an effect on you that you stop being a racist neo-nazi bloke.
You see, that's why I think Romper Stomper is better. Even though Furlong gets killed in the end, American History X still has a Hollywood ending because Norton is redeemed. Crowe isn't. He just ends up how he began: a pseudointellectual bullying coward. I was probably over-stating it when I said Derek Vinyard makes Hando look ordinary. No. I was, in fact, dead wrong. :)
I wouldn't call AHX's ending a "Hollywood Ending"

Sure, he's redeemed himself by changing his stance and everything, but it shows that even though he's done all this good to redeem himself, he still doesn't win.


Romper Stomper's awesome. I've only seen it once, about ten years ago, but would like to get hold of it if it appears cheaply somewhere. Neo-nazi films are interesting.

Speaking of neo-nazis and getting fucked up the arse, is anyone watching Oz on SBS on Monday nights? I've recommended it before, and I'll do so again. It rules.
I thought AHX was way too Hollywood, when he got shot at the end there was so much blood they could have swam in it, and him changing his mind just because he chats to a black guy and gets fucked in jail is a bit stupid. Ed Norton was really good in it though.
Watched The Goonies on Monday night. What a fucking awesome film. Still love it.

Saw Ferris Bueller's Day Off for the first time last night. Pretty good film I guess.
you guess? FERRIS BUELLER is a fucking classic! what a bril movie.

Also, I find A MIGHTY WIND funnier than Best in Show. On initial viewings, I laughed more at Best in Show... but repeated viewings and AMW is funnier.