Suggest A New Exodus Singer?

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
I was just talking Steve Warner(Exodus Manager), and told him what type of singer I think they need, to replace Baloff/Souza:
I think he should be a Strong Frontman, & be able to sing the Lower Baloff lyrics, as well as higher pitched Zetro lyric's, & be able to sing with an evil growl. So he'll need to well rounded, and as versatile as Chuck Billy himself. He will also have to be willing to spend alot of time in the Bay Area, to write, record, & rehearse for tour, as well as be seen out and around in The Bay Area Music Scene. So that means, probably making the move here. I think he should already be or have been in a touring band(easier for a Exo-transition), & should already be an extablished Singer(experienced), thats close to their own ages(in his late 20's or 30's). They need someone to step in, & not be out their on tour for their first time. I think they will need an astablished Singer, that will help them create a buzz, and a growing interest in the bands new material. A brand new unknown singer is just that.
Exodus has a big name, & they need someone known to fill the big empty shoes. He will have to be someone willing to commit to alot of touring, & put his life aside, while working with the Slay-Team. And give Exodus 100%, body & mind. So with that in mind, here are my suggestions, and I know that most if not all are already in bands & not willing to change, but this is the kind of Singer I think would best fit them:

1. Chuck Billy (Testament)
2. Thomas Lindberg (At The Gates, The Crown)
3. Speed (Soilwork, Terror 2000)
4. Johan Liva (Ex-Arch Enemy)
5. Jocke Gothberg (Dimension Zero, Ex-Marduk)
6. Peter Dolving (Ex-the Haunted)
7. Marco Aro (The Haunted)
8. Harley Flanagan (Cro-Mags)
9. Katon DePena (Hirax)

As you can tell, I think a European Frontman is in order(would work best), now what do you guys think?
Do they not want someone they can pluck out of a local band over there, or are they not to the standards? Bring some fresh meat into the scene <DG> :D
Cro-Mags, now there is an interesting point that I wouldn't have thought of. I haven't heard Cro-Mags bassist Harley Flanagan sing, but I do think that their original singer John "Bloodclot" Joseph would definitely fit the bill. Just listen to the first Cro-Mags album "Age of Quarrel", and you'll see that Bloodclot has a very Baloff-sounding voice and delivery. Raw, aggressive, slightly uncontrolled, and very "growly". That could be very interesting.
I can remember Gary, almost hooking up with Harley, around the WarDance time, & he was almost going to work with Gary & Tom.
I'm thinking he was the singer on the Alpha-Omega(my favorite), Cro-Mags album. I'll have to look that up, but the vocals on that album, totally fits Exodus.
DE - Chuck is by far the best choice, but as we all know, it wont happen. the rest of your list is death metal = not for Exodus. They need a good thrash metal singer, i.e. chuck billy. None of them would fit except for maybe both singers from the haunted(bit of a stretch here coz again, these are also rather DM, but not as much as the others). Im not familiar w/ the cromags, so I have no comment on that.

at this point, I have no suggestions for a singer, so I'll just sit back and critique everyone else's w/ my bad spelling.
While Chuck is an incredible singer, I don't think he's the right fit for Exodus. Chuck has great growls, screams and melodic vocals, but is more of a controlled singer and better for Testament's style. Exodus needs someone who is more scattered and chaotic. I think it will be very tough to fill this vocal spot.
ME! Hahaha...just kidding. I shouldn't sing with ANY band...

...although "scattered" and "chaotic" definitely fits my vocal style.

Of course, the other MAJOR problem is that I'm 16, and moving to the Bay Area would be a near impossibility.
HARLEY FLANAGAN Slams CRO-MAGS 'Farewell' Tour Plans
CRO-MAGS co-founder Harley Flanagan (bass/vocals) has issued a statement slamming his former bandmate, vocalist John Joseph, over his plans to embark on a CRO-MAGS "farewell" tour next month with an all-new lineup that does not include Flanagan.

The statement reads as follows:

"Harley Flanagan WILL NOT be touring with John Bloodclot and his NO-MAGS. This is misleading information put out by John Bloodclot and his booking agent Matt Pike to deceive fans and MAKE MONEY. They are not presenting the CRO-MAGS since Harley Flanagan WILL NOT be appearing. There are currently NO CRO-MAGS gigs booked. Harley Flanagan WILL NOT be touring with John Bloodclot and his NO-MAGS."

As previously reported, the Joseph-fronted "CRO-MAGS" are scheduled to embark on an Australian tour in late February. The band's lineup for the tour will reportedly consist of the following: John Joseph (vocals), Rocky George (guitar — SUICIDAL TENDENCIES), A.J. Novello (guitar — LEEWAY), Franklin Rhi (bass — CROWN OF THORNS, SHELTER), and Gary "G-man" Sullivan (drums — PARLIAMENT, FUNKEDELIC).