Suggest me the best audio interface for my needs!


Count Blastula
Nov 20, 2009
Hi folks! I'm currently searching for a new audio interface to buy and I've kinda narrowed it down to some excellent (from the reviews) interfaces, but would prefer to hear your opinion first.

Some important infos:
- my budget is 2000/2500$

- First of all I'd need the best built-in preamp and converter to work as a high impedance instrument DI, or to link with a proper DI box

- I don't think I need more than two preamps since my main priority is either recording directly or mic'ing guitar cabs with no more than 2 mics

- I would however definitely need two headphone outputs since my vocal booth and studio are the same room, and if someone is tracking vocals I don't want any bleed from speakers

- Midi I/O would be preferrable since I could connect keyboards and send midi preset changes from laptop to what me and other guitarist use live (Axe Fx)

- SPDIF would be needed too to use with the Kemper Profiling Amplifier and if I want to buy some preamps like the API A2D

- I have an iMac 27" and Macbook Pro, neither of them have USB 3.0 but I do have thunderbolt in my iMac and firewire on both. I just want the lowest possible latency but preamp/DI quality is priority

Interfaces like the RME Fireface UFX, Universal Audio Apollo and Metric Halo ULN-2 are appealing me but all of them have pros and cons. Am I missing others?

Thanks for your time :)
If you want the best DI quality have a look at the Little Labs Redeye 3D. It has separate inputs for both active and passive guitar pickups and imo is the best sounding DI. Besides that it also works as a re-amp box.

For the interface I would prefer the Apollo. It has very clean sounding preamps and conversion, two independent headphone connections, spdif for Kemper or external Preamp/Converter chain connection and a thunderbolt connection. The only thing that is missing is the MIDI connection (you would need to use an external midi interface live). You also get a monitoring software and the ability to use plugins during monitoring which can be a cool tool to inspire great performances. In any case all of the mentioned interfaces will sound great. If you plan on using external preamps and conversion in the future like the A2D I would go for the interface that has the better workflow.
Judging from your needs, the RME UFX seems to be the obvious choice. I haven't used one myself but I hear nothing but great things about it.

Also, if I recall correctly, Brett uses the RME UFX.
I'll put my vote in for the Apollo - the quality/functionality is on-par across all of the units you mention, but in my opinion the inclusion of the UAD hardware in the Apollo gives it a real advantage over the other units. I could happily work using only UAD plugs, they are really that good.
I told you on facebook but you're not going to get an interface with amazing onboard pres. You'd be way way way better off focusing on driver stability and conversion quality and getting an external pre that rules. Same story with the 2 headphone outputs.

I would get the UFX or a used FF800 and a great external preamp/headphone amp and be done with it.
To be honest the Apollo is very tempting with thunderbolt, plugins etc, but there's a famous blind test on Gearslutz that compares the UFX and Apollo and the first is noticeably better. Also Apollo's drivers aren't as stable as RME, also UFX has midi and better headphone outputs.

Just wondering if USB 2.0/FW400 will be enough on the UFX but for my needs I guess so :)
I own the UA Apollo. It is the best music/based purchasing decision I've made. I've always had some issue with all the previous interfaces I've owned, (i've owned many) and the thing is flawless. I've never had one issue with it and the drivers have been rock solid on Win7 for me. The built in UAD is a nice plus, but the pure hardware of the pres and converters are great. I couldn't be happier. I was never able to try the UAD plug ins for not owning a UAD device, but after owning the Apollo, many of my go-to plug ins have been replaced by the UAD ones. I could go on and on about how great the thing is. I am one VERY happy customer, and could not imagine not making music without it now.
Again, expecting one interface to solve all of your needs like that is foolish and wishful thinking at best. Every studio should have a decent DI like a Countryman or Radial or Redeye 3D; it would be a good investment regardless of the DI resistance rating.
My UFX has been rock solid. The conversion isn't as nice as the Aurora's at work but it's certainly decent. The routing flexibility is insane. TBH I skip the preamps most of the time as I have some outboard stuff. Same on the DI front.
Again, expecting one interface to solve all of your needs like that is foolish and wishful thinking at best. Every studio should have a decent DI like a Countryman or Radial or Redeye 3D; it would be a good investment regardless of the DI resistance rating.

Not to solve but at least come close enough :p Just bought a Countryman actually
not trying to divert away from the OP but what would be a good external pre that you guys would recommend irregardless of budget for the sake of quality?