Suggestion for PPVIII...Bring in Tarot!!!

yep... I was referring mostly to their first official release: Tarot's 1986 vs. Strato's 1988(?)... but I believe Tarot existed before Stratovarius did, anyway... didn't Strato used to have another name, back before Timo Tolkki joined? What year did they begin playing under the name "Stratovarius"?
Stratovarius was founded in 1984 by drummer and vocalist Tuomo Lassila, bass player John Vihervä and guitarist Staffan Stråhlman. Before Stratovarius the same line up performed under the name Black Water. When Stråhlman suddenly left the band in 1985 Timo Tolkki was asked in a very short notice to replace him at upcoming gigs. Tolkki had only about a week to learn the songs before the first gig, but he made it and the rest is history.

Tarot beacame a big name in Finland in latter part of the 80's, then kind of vanished in the early 90's for a few years. Stratovarius gained name towards mid 90's during the time when the "classical" line-up Tolkki-Kainulainen-Kotipelto-Michael-Johansson was biult up.

Despite Strato and recently also Tarot getting known better internationally in recent years, the name of the decade in Finnish heavy metal in the 80's was definitely Zero Nine. (no official website available)

They put out six albums in six years 1982-1988, culminating in "White Lines" (1985) and "Intrigue" (1986) which are considered the milestones of Finnish heavy metal even these days. Zero Nine played at almost every domestic rock festival there was in the 80's, toured and they also they opened for many big names who bothered to visit Finland back then, like AC/DC, Iron Maiden, ZZ Top and Scorpions, to name a few.
The band is still alive, but not very active any more. The latter albums "Freakshow" (1996) and "N.E.Files" (2004) sold decent numbers hitting 34th and 19th on national charts.

These live clips at YouTube are filmed some years ago at Club Teatria, Oulu:
Never Stop Running (from White Lines, 1985)
To The Mountain (from Intrigue, 1986)
Banging On Drums (from Intrigue, 1986)

Two full albums "Blank Verse" (1982) and "Headline" (1984) can be streamed in Real Audio (poor quality) at Vibrations Of Doom Magazine

Their older CDs may be hard to find, but "N.E.Files" (2004) and "Freakshow" (1996) are still on shelves of better record shops in Finland. A compilation CD "Eyes On The Rear - View Mirror" (18 tracks) was released this year.
Zero Nine still kick some serious ass like they did when I went to see them live quite a few times some 20 years ago :kickass: :heh:

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