Suggestions on new guitar and effects

Astral Poetry

"Eros! Your hand...!"
Mar 21, 2003
"'s missing!"
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or opinions on a new guitar and new effecs to purchase. I'm currently playing, or trying to play a Kramer Beretta S/N404 with a BOSS metal zone distortion pedal. I'm in need of opinions on both matters.
Well, if you have money to spend, I'd highly suggest any USA Jackson Model. I just bought a Jackson SL2H and it plays better than any other guitar I've ever laid my hands on. As for effects, I only use a Boss reverb pedal so I can't help you there.
Yep A Jackson Would be the way to go But if you cant afford one of those Bc Rich guitars Are pretty good I have a Bronze Warlock(Bottom of the line warlock) And a Warlock Platnum Bass For a Cheap guitar the Bronze Warlock Is pretty Nice Its got decent Crunchabilty And Plays Nice Theres no Tremlo But at $180 Bucks theres not much to complain about. Peddles: Damned if I know I'm A Bass Player The only one I have played on my self Is a DOD Death Metal peddle And it kinda sounded great at first But after a while it just sounded like a cat being raped
Charubic Murder said:
I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or opinions on a new guitar and new effecs to purchase. I'm currently playing, or trying to play a Kramer Beretta S/N404 with a BOSS metal zone distortion pedal. I'm in need of opinions on both matters.

You play a Kramer Baretta you say. Is this the old Baretta produced back in the 80's, or is it a new model that they put the Baretta name on? As far as I've heard, the old Barettas were very good guitars, but I didn't think they were produced anymore.

So, what's the reason for getting a new guitar? What do you want in a guitar that the Baretta doesn't give you?

Same goes with the effect. If it's all just that you're not satisfied with your tone, maybe just a $100 pickup swap would help?

All that is bunk. You just have to go to a store or several and play as many different guitars as they will allow. I personnaly can't stand BC Rich and Jacksons aren't all that too me. It's all a matter of taste. I love the Classic Gibson SG or the Iomi Model. I played a Voodoo model the other day and it was horrible. You'll know when you feel and play the guitar and hear it through your Amp set up (or as close to that as you can get at a store). Don't be afraid to experiment with the sounds at the store. They'll be more than happy to sell you as much as they can, so act like you are going to and experiment with what you want to. If you really want a new sound, try it all.
It all depends on how much you have to spend. The new Kramer Berettas are good for the money. The older ones play great.

I'd recommend what 97reb says in that play everything you can try, but I personally can't stand Gibson. They're way overpriced, and their build quality is mediocre to barely satisfactory.

USA BC Rich make some of the finest guitars in the world. I would avoid all the imports except the Platinum line. Personally, I can't stand their junk import line like the Bronze series stuff. Even the nicer examples don't reflect any of the qualities that made BC Rich popular.

Jackson makes some nice imports, but their USAs are better, IMO. Their fretwork is fantastic, and build quality from guitar to guitar is awesome and consistent. I buy a lot of Jacksons, many of them I didn't get to play beforehand, with no problems whatsoever.

If you're going to get a Fender, go for one of the Mexistrats. The bodies are all cut in the Corona factory in California, and they're finished in Mexico, and for some reason, the Mexistrats are actually just as nice players as the Fender USA line.

Playing an import Jackson or BC Rich and saying they suck from that is rather silly. That's like playing an Epiphone LP and saying Gibson LP Customs suck.

As for effects, what are you looking to do? Just need a little chorus or delay occassionally, do you want/need pitch shifting/harmonizer? How much do you have to spend? Very important factors...
I'd better specify before this gets too convoluted. I have around $600 to spend. I'm looking for an effects pedal with good delay and chorus mainly. Anything else is just a bonus. I really want to purchase new effects but my question on what guitars are great is just to get a feel what everyone is playing and what is good.
hi there :cool:

try as many guitars as you can, get the one that feels very comfortable to you & gives you what you wanna hear, regardless of the brand name. of course, the over-riding importance is that it fits your budget. if that krammer feels good to you, by all means get it.

if i were you, i'd get the guitar first, then use it to shop around for pedals. do get pedals that conform to your guitar...

cheers + good luck
Charubic Murder said:
I'd better specify before this gets too convoluted. I have around $600 to spend. I'm looking for an effects pedal with good delay and chorus mainly. Anything else is just a bonus. I really want to purchase new effects but my question on what guitars are great is just to get a feel what everyone is playing and what is good.

Ok, my 2 gil on this:

Playing a lot of different guitars is a good idea, but go more on build quality and playing feel than anything else. As for sound, listen to its non-distorted sound. You don't want to hear too much buzzing. Try to make the guitar go out of tune by bending a lot and using the tremolo. Abuse it a bit to make it show its true colors. If it goes out of tune easilly, it's not worth the trouble.

Do not choose a guitar after its distorted sound. If the distorted sound is lacking punch, you can always replace the pickups with better ones later.

As for brands I've tried:

1) Gibson: Way too overpriced for what you get and definately out of your budget.
2) Epiphone by Gibson: Good value, but the guitars usually come with a mediocre to bad adjustment job. It's common to find brand new Epi's with a lot of fret buzz. After a neck adjustment and some fret polishing, they are good guitars for your money. The stock pickups suck - period, so add an aftermarket pickup for the bridge position.
3) Ibanez: Mixed bag. The low-budget line sucks for the most part. The mid to high level models (with the Edge tremolo) are nice, but quality varies between individual guitars. Ibanez is not my favourite, so I don't know exactly what to look for tho'.
4) Jackson: Mixed bag. The USA Jacksons are very nice, but are out of your budget. With the budget-line "import" Jacksons, quality varies some between guitars, just like with Ibanez. According to my own experience, the Floyd copies on these are pretty decent - they generally stay in tune very well - but they don't have the quality of a real Floyd trem. The pickups on the budget Jacksons are decent for rock and softer metal, but you'll want to replace them if you're going to play anything heavier.

the new 2003 ibanez line's much better. there's no more substandard trem that undermines the guitar's credibility as a whole. if you aren't the trem type, there are also fixed bridge ibanezs to look out for especially the new SZ line on offer- best budget set-neck + fixed bridge guitar to date.