Suicide for a Nintendo Wii

Aug 25, 2006

A Californian woman who took part in a water-drinking contest to win a video game system has died of water intoxication, tests have shown.
Jennifer Strange had taken part in the "Hold Your Wee for a Wii" game run by KDND 107.9 radio in Sacramento, which promised the winner a Nintendo Wii.

A work colleague said Ms Strange had reported her head was hurting hours after the contest and was going home.

Ms Strange, 28, was found dead on Friday at her house in Rancho Cordova.

I realize that a lot of people take video games very seriously these days, but was this really worth it? Maybe she should've invested that effort into alternatives for her children instead of voluntarily giving herself hyponatremia.
She didn't commit suicide she died of water intoxication which is not very common but still happens by drinking too much water. Typically people simply stop drinking water when they've had too much so we hardly ever hear about this. The radio station who put on this event should have known better of the risks involved and will probably get the pants sued off of them.