Death Metal murders


New Metal Member
Oct 28, 2005
Here's an interesting article from the BBC News website about a new program due to be aired soon:

BBC News

Investigating the 'death metal' murders
By Sam Bagnall
Producer, Death Metal Murders

One man's relentless search for his missing son led him to uncover one of the most shocking crimes in post-war Italy - a tale of satanism and violence that has gripped the country for more than a year.

Michele Tollis spent six years searching for his son Fabio

In January 1998 Fabio Tollis and Chiara Marino, both just 16, disappeared.

They had been drinking at a pub called the Midnight - the centre of the heavy metal scene in Milan - and they never came home.

The police and many of their friends just thought they had run off together. But their parents refused to accept this.

Michele Tollis, Fabio's father, began to attend metal concerts and festivals across Europe, handing out leaflets and quizzing Fabio's friends.

Fabio and his friends were into the most extreme forms of heavy metal music - death metal and black metal, music obsessed with images of murder and satanism - and the role of this music is central to the story.

It emerged that Chiara, the girl who disappeared with Fabio, had a collection of satanic literature and paraphernalia in her bedroom.

During this search, Michele Tollis became convinced that satanism had something to do with his son's disappearance.

"No one can contradict me when I say that heavy metal and satanism are closely linked. They're inseparable," he says.

Many of Fabio's friends appeared to be evasive when questioned about his whereabouts and Michele became convinced they were hiding something.

Over the next six years he built up a dossier of intelligence about them; who knew whom and which bands they played in.

Then in January 2004 Michele was watching the local news. An item came on reporting a brutal murder in their nearby town of Somma Lombardo.

A young man called Andrea Volpe had been arrested and admitted killing his ex-girlfriend.

Alarm bells went off in Michele's head because Volpe had played in a death metal band with his son. He called the police and arranged a meeting.

"It was a strange story, the one Michele Tollis told," says Teniente Enzo Molinari of the carabinieri.

"But he didn't only tell a story; he backed it up with a very convincing body of paperwork and photographs which he had gathered over the past six years.

"He had carried out a true investigation on the disappearance of his son and his son's girlfriend, all on his own."

Using Michele's dossier of information, the police interrogated Volpe about the disappearances.

Finally Volpe confessed and led the police to where Fabio and Chiara were buried.

Michele's hunt was over, but the revelations were just beginning.

One of Fabio's school friends, Mario Maccione, confessed to having beaten Fabio to death with a hammer.

He also revealed that the boys had been part of a wider satanic sect called the Beasts of Satan.

It was revealed Andrea Bontade, a drummer, had been terrorised into committing suicide.

Soon, other mysterious deaths were being linked to the Beasts.

Controversial lyrics

The case has profoundly shocked Italy, still a very Catholic country.

One priest, Don Aldo Buonaito, has set up a helpline for parents and children worried about satanism.

A spate of church burnings in Norway were linked to black metal

He has also called for death metal music to be banned.

"If music makes itself an instrument of nefarious deeds and death it should be stopped," he says.

But this is just the latest case where extreme metal music has been blamed for vicious acts by teenagers.

Everyone remembers the secret messages that were supposed to be contained in Ozzy Osbourne's lyrics and the controversy over his track Suicide Solution.

In 1996, the parents of Elyse Marie Pahler took satanic death metal band Slayer to court in the US after their 15-year-old daughter was murdered in what was alleged to be a satanic ritual imitating the band's lyrics.

The case was dismissed by a Californian judge in 2001.

In Norway fans of the even more extreme black metal, burned down more than 40 churches in the 1990s.

One of the favourite bands of the Beasts of Satan sect in Italy was Deicide - an American death metal band led by Glen Benton, a self-professed satanist who has an upside down cross branded into his forehead.

Deicide sing about the occult, their most popular anthem being Kill the Christians.

Other death metal bands appear to glorify murder, torture, rape and necrophilia.

Benton is no stranger to controversy - several murders have been linked to his fans - but denies that any singer can be responsible for the actions of their fans.

"I say don't blame people like me and [Marilyn] Manson, because we never said: 'Hey, we're going to be role models for all your kids.' That ain't what this is about. It's about entertainment."

Indeed there is little evidence that ordinary kids can be turned into monsters by music.

But academics who have studied adolescents and music have expressed concerns about the possible effects on children who already have psychological problems.

Professor Don Roberts of Stanford University thinks that perhaps the children who are already violent or depressed are the people who should be kept away from death metal.

"What the music may well be doing is simply reinforcing beliefs that they might have started with in the first place," he says
Music influences people. Music with unacceptable views can influence people to do unacceptable things, but those people must have been fucked up to start with, just like kids who become violent because they play a GTA game.

But banning death metal? Fuck no.
Life Sucks said:
Interesting read. The murderers were fucked up in the first place, and death metal is not to blame. This is a typical case of right wing Christian scapegoating.

Exactly. Also as parents if your kid is 'strange' maybe not let the kid listen to metal,play violent games. Say your 16 year old kid kills animals,puts on make up,etc... you should monitor the person more. Make sure they watch PG,PG 13movies since they can't act their age. You should be like what if my kid becomes the next jeffrey dahmer. Just because a band plays heavy music,talks about negative aspects of humanity it does not mean they're lunatics not being able to distinguish things. A lot of metalheads are laid back. A persons going to be a freak regardless if they listen to Immolation or christina aguilera. Metalheads are not always the most weird people in the world,ones commiting crimes,etc.. I've come across some odd individuals. I want to be entertained. If you can't realize entertainment than loose your freedom. I'm almost sure a TV was created during the great depression as a way to entertain,etc.. during bad times. If you watch a mob movie in 2005, it's to see what the 'mob' would have been like in the comfort,safety of your room. Not to recreate a MOB in the time you live.

Negative,positive things from the beginning of time need to be viewed so you can see what everything was about. Regardless can be interesting.

Just because you view different things it does not mean you act out on each and everyone of them. Taking a specific interest in 'one thing' that you like the most in viewing is not any different nor gives you a privilege to act upon.

You can write about things you learn whether it be murder or aliens,etc.... The only reason you know the details is because you've seen stuff on the subject. I could get pretty detailed on murder and i've never commiting the act. It does not mean i'm sick. I could write a song about planets or a forest,etc... too.

You could write really detailed songs about war,death,dead bodies,killing,contamination,crime,religion and not even expirience either. It's viewing things on each subject like say religion regardless if it be truth or lies. It's called watching the news,reading,etc.... and writing about all aspects good or bad.

Bolt Thrower has made an entire carrer about war,battles,etc..

It does not mean they've been in submerine's or driven tanks around blasting the shit out of everything. It's called being entertaining by those things,etc... taking an interest in them because it 'entertains you'. Cannibal Corpse has made an entire carrer about sick things people do to each other. Cannibal Corpse are very sane,laid back,cool individuals. Obviouslly don't go kill people,etc... because they'd be in jail not putting out cds for 20 years touring. They are obviously professional,organized,etc.. it's an act. If you listen to a band and they put out a cd every 1,2 years that means they're not killing people. Why would you think the band is giving a message to go out and kill someone. They put a cd out so you can sit in your room and enjoy it. DUR

Why cant people understand these things.

I'm not a rocket scientists but some people are so stupid they do not deserve to have choice in what they watch,listen to, view,etc... should just be dropped on an island with no music,video games,movies/TV's,etc...

You don't want to be civil you can figure out how to be an animal on some island without laws,rules,modern technology. You can get your dream come true later wishing you were not so stupid you could watch a movie,play a video game,listen to a cd minding your own business in your room.

I'n not saying GROW UP but jesus christ.
Bolt Thrower has made an entire carrer about war,battles,etc..

It does not mean they've been in submerine's or driven tanks around blasting the shit out of everything. It's called being entertaining by those things,etc... taking an interest in them because it 'entertains you'. Cannibal Corpse has made an entire carrer about sick things people do to each other. Cannibal Corpse are very sane,laid back,cool individuals. Obviouslly don't go kill people,etc... because they'd be in jail not putting out cds for 20 years touring. They are obviously professional,organized,etc.. it's an act. If you listen to a band and they put out a cd every 1,2 years that means they're not killing people. Why would you think the band is giving a message to go out and kill someone. They put a cd out so you can sit in your room and enjoy it. DUR

Oh, but are people going to bring up those examples when they want to tell the world metal is bad?

No, of course not. They'll mention Varg, Faust and Jon Nödtveidt because those people have actually done something, and thus people get the image that every metal band has committed murders and wants kids to kill each other.
madu said:
Oh, but are people going to bring up those examples when they want to tell the world metal is bad?

No, of course not. They'll mention Varg, Faust and Jon Nödtveidt because those people have actually done something, and thus people get the image that every metal band has committed murders and wants kids to kill each other.

Sadly no because people want to take cheap shots to insult things they do not like to try making a point. A mainstream media can use faust,etc.... to give people unfimiliar with metal a false believable idea on 'metal'. If people go for it the media/people are happy because they accomplished what they wanted.

You can use gay molesting priests against religion,etc... it goes for a lot things.

The chances of media,etc.. trully believing what they think is low. It's just about getting attention,causing a stire,controversy to be heard. People insult but have not looked past the first page. In their mind they know but why admit it when you need to explain something using something as a scapegoat.

It would be much easier for people,parents of the kid to blame his interests than blame parents,figure out what was wrong with the kid. God forbid is parents could face the truth their kid is whacked. Why would parents think something's negativly wrong with someone they raised especially if they forced their kid into church,have morals,etc..
Killing in the name of God is no different from killing in the name of Satan.

I'm watching this documentary right now and it is very interesting.

Personally I think if it weren't for death/black metal, those kids would still be into something else equally "grotesque". You're responsible for your own actions. Well that guy from Stanford knows how to put the point across better than I do.
Just gotta say. I saw this program tonight, and through out it, I couldn't help but think alot of these people were idiots. Other than maybe one psychologist towards the end and Glenn Benton, they all had no idea what they was on about. Its true that some of the musics aspects, the whole "oh look at me I'm a satanist" is taken seriously by some of the bands, Mayhem for example. But one psychologist put it right by saying that there are a load of people who listen to the music and just enjoy it, and its true as Glenn Benton also backed up. Its not the musics fault that some oblivious belligerent people act out the way they do. They adopt these acts through their own psychological problems and problems caused by society. Whether this be, discrimination or bullying. Bottom line is, in my opinion, I embrace music as a release...but to take it as seriously as that? and Mayhem really made me laugh at the end. How narrow minded some people can be.

BTW, New here. x.
Moon of Amber said:
hahahahaha what an absolute legend

"Don't they have children?! Don't they have families?! The things they were saying!!"

Those 2 were really ignorant. Has it not occurred to them that maybe just maybe those kids were fucked up which they obviously were. The whole thing I thought was a bit biased. Just people who want to blame some thing they fear and don't understand. You cant blame anyone for what you do its your fault no one else’s it's called personal responsibility.
Slayer a death metal band? lol ... anyways this is the old let's blame the music not the parents who raised these kids excuse... christians (among other religions) have killed people for thousands of years... but you dont hear anyone saying that christianity is the main cause... The Spanish Inquisition comes to mind...
The main thing I learned from it was that Dissection are apparently a bunch of total dorks. It's pretty sad to see a bunch of middle aged "rebels" take themselves so seriously. They're a good band but that kind of stuff just makes me lose some respect for them.
Yeah I watched, and to be honest you just have to laugh at it. I found it fucking hilarious when they were highlighting those Slayer lyrics line by line to try to get as much out of their point as they could! That was so funny. Someone needs to shout in their faces that it's NOT SERIOUS!

That metal monk was an absolute LEGEND! What a character, I want to go to one of his concerts! :worship:

Glen Benton was pretty cool as well, because it was obvious he was just taking the interviewers for an absolute ride which they took really seriously.

On the topic, it is sad though that a tiny number of disturbed nutters take the music literally into their sad, empty lives. Grow some balls and stop ruining the name of metal you faggots.

The labelling of Slayer as Death Metal just summed up their ignorance I suppose.

Still a good watch though, if only to see some of those bands talked about and interviewed. But yeah I've always thought Dissection are pretty gay taking it so seriously, kind of spoils the fun for me, haha.

Anyway, damn predictable programme, but worth watching I suppose.
Slayer IS Death Metal. Although they have a kinda thin guitar tone, and are typically associated with the bay area thrash scene, they deffenitely have a death metal musical structure (lots of tritones, heavy usage of intervals of flat 5ths and 2nds.

I see metal as art though, not entertainment. Of course, the assertion that death metal is to blame is totally ridiculous, I believe its mostly the kids fault for having no judgement. Its their fault for not being able to make the distinction between fantasy and reality.

Saying that listening to death metal will make you kill people is like saying that reading moby dick will make you kill whales. Its art. Nothing more.
The Deacon Dr. O said:
Slayer IS Death Metal. Although they have a kinda thin guitar tone, and are typically associated with the bay area thrash scene, they deffenitely have a death metal musical structure (lots of tritones, heavy usage of intervals of flat 5ths and 2nds.

ahhhh NO.... thrash metal and if anything else very very early Black Metal.... :err: and just to nail the coffin.. Death Metal as a genre didn't even exist when Slayer first came out (circa 1983) .... if anything Possessed was the first DM band... or one of the first
I believe music IS to blame for murderous acts.

If it wasn't, why else would I want to kill whenever I hear Coldplay?