Umm I have a question about death metal...


New Metal Member
Nov 5, 2016
Greetings everyone! I'm a great fan of Death Metal and I love bands like Hellwitch, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Suffocation and Immolation.Today I was watching some death metal live, and I saw Kam Lee said This song goes to any girl who shows us tit, and a girl did show her tits.It pissed me off because in death metal and in metal generally, we are against all mainstream things and in death metal, the lyrics are about Satanism, mysticism, occultism and gory subjects and the music is brutal.If the musicians want girls to show their boobs, then what is the difference between the behaviour of death metal musicians and pop artists? Well it made me sad a bit and I wanted to know if it's normal in death metal shows or not. Thanks for reading.
Death metal can also be about booze, tits, gore etc. Death metal in many ways is the musical equivalent of a sleazy horror film, and sleazy horror films always have some tits.

It can also be viewed as primitive and primal. Sex is always associated with Satan, lust is a sin of course, so it's rather appropriate. At the end of the day Kam Lee is just an old school metalhead and I guess he likes tits. If you don't want sex or tits in metal, maybe you should chop off your dick and sell it for a LaVey book?

Beer, metal, spikes and sluts!
I know that death metal can also be about gruesome rape and things as such. Did you think I don't know Cannibal Corpse?

Well what you said about Satan somehow convinced me. But no I don't want to chop off my dick. I don't want a LaVey book either. I would rather keep that for home and for my girlfriend. If I went to a death metal show, I would like to hear growls and brutal music, I wouldn't want boobs and pus*sies. Those are what you want when you pay a prostitute or watch porn.
Greetings everyone! I'm a great fan of Death Metal and I love bands like Hellwitch, Deicide, Morbid Angel, Suffocation and Immolation.Today I was watching some death metal live, and I saw Kam Lee said This song goes to any girl who shows us tit, and a girl did show her tits.It pissed me off because in death metal and in metal generally, we are against all mainstream things and in death metal, the lyrics are about Satanism, mysticism, occultism and gory subjects and the music is brutal.If the musicians want girls to show their boobs, then what is the difference between the behaviour of death metal musicians and pop artists? Well it made me sad a bit and I wanted to know if it's normal in death metal shows or not. Thanks for reading.

From what I know there were very few women in Death Metal during its heyday so maybe Lee got carried away when he finally saw some estrogen in the audience.
I know that death metal can also be about gruesome rape and things as such. Did you think I don't know Cannibal Corpse?

Well what you said about Satan somehow convinced me. But no I don't want to chop off my dick. I don't want a LaVey book either. I would rather keep that for home and for my girlfriend. If I went to a death metal show, I would like to hear growls and brutal music, I wouldn't want boobs and pus*sies. Those are what you want when you pay a prostitute or watch porn.

I'd rather musicians do what they like. Pretentious pseudo-intellectual quasi-serious death metal can get very boring after awhile.
From what I know there were very few women in Death Metal during its heyday so maybe Lee got carried away when he finally saw some estrogen in the audience.

Yes perhaps that was the case.

I'd rather musicians do what they like. Pretentious pseudo-intellectual quasi-serious death metal can get very boring after awhile.

Well it seems it's about opinions.I would want to see gravely serious gory satanic death metal.
Yeah, the tit showing is fine. I've seen it in videos of Pantera shows, so I'd say it's okay in death metal as well.
Pretty sure Kam Lee just has the most swollen head of anyone involved in death metal. Guy is seriously fucking full of himself.
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death metal and tits is a match made in heaven. you gay or something?
"If the musicians want to glorify violence, then what is the difference between the behaviour of death metal musicians and rap artists?" would make roughly as much sense
i get what he means to a point, pop is very sexualised these days, but telling girls to get their tits out at a concert is probably not a thing you get from modern mainstream pop acts lol, they'd be crucified.
One of the guitarists in the band I used to play in was obsessed with Manowar and he had them up on this untouchable gods of metal pedestal until he went to see them live and they acted like dumbass rockstar douchebags onstage, inviting chicks backstage telling them to flash their tits and so forth. The metal mystique and dreams of a young warrior were shattered forever.