A Question For The Death Metal Fans

Dec 27, 2004
I recently watched the Cannibal Corpse DVD on the making of Wretched Spawn. In an interview, Alex talks about the quality of the music in the current death metal scene. He says "regardless of its popularity right now," he thinks it's the best it's ever been. So, here's my question, as someone who's not really in the death metal loop just yet. What does he mean? Compared to years past, is it popular right now, or unpopular?
It's 'trendier' than ever to like bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus etc - basically the mainstream of DM. I wouldn't take him as a reliable source mind you, not only is his band pretty bad but he's DEFINITELY wrong about DM being at its best now. '91-'93 were the glory days (especially '92).

If you're hoping to get into DM, I recommend stuff like "Beyond Sanctorum" by Therion, "The Spell of Retribution" by The Chasm, "Changes" by Miasma, "A Velvet Creation" by Eucharist, "Nespithe" by Demilich, "Descend Into The Absurd" by Fleshcrawl, etc etc etc.
Guardian of Darkness said:
It's 'trendier' than ever to like bands such as Cannibal Corpse, Dying Fetus etc - basically the mainstream of DM. I wouldn't take him as a reliable source mind you, not only is his band pretty bad but he's DEFINITELY wrong about DM being at its best now. '91-'93 were the glory days (especially '92).

If you're hoping to get into DM, I recommend stuff like "Beyond Sanctorum" by Therion, "The Spell of Retribution" by The Chasm, "Changes" by Miasma, "A Velvet Creation" by Eucharist, "Nespithe" by Demilich, "Descend Into The Absurd" by Fleshcrawl, etc etc etc.
Thanks for the response. I'll check out a couple of your recommendations.
Just curious...What makes you dislike Corpse?
I would say death metal is close to its peak now. In technicality, brutality, and speed, most bands are much better than the bands of the early nineties. The lack of ideas is another thing.

I would not bother with CC when there are/were bands like Prophecy, Disgorge (Cal), Emeth, Suffocation, Internal Suffering, Cryptopsy, Deeds of Flesh, Decrepit Birth, Devourment, older Brodequin, Clean Flesh, Lykathea Aflame, late Sanatorium, and many other.
I wouldn't bother with most of those, either. ;)

Cannibal Corpse strike me as being utterly boring and monotonous, relentlessness is fine if it's balanced with variation but this stuff's uber-repetitive, in the melody, drumming, vocals, everything. Very little stands out in each track. Not only this, however, but each song as a whole sounds rather identical to the next. And, oh, wait, SO DO THEIR ALBUMS! Creativity = pretty much zilch. Also, their gore themes are difficult to take at all seriously.
Guardian of Darkness said:
If you're hoping to get into DM, I recommend stuff like "Beyond Sanctorum" by Therion, "The Spell of Retribution" by The Chasm, "Changes" by Miasma, "A Velvet Creation" by Eucharist, "Nespithe" by Demilich, "Descend Into The Absurd" by Fleshcrawl, etc etc etc.
Amorphis - The Karelian Isthmus and Necrophobic - The Nocturnal Silence would also be good choices for one just getting into death metal.
It's hard to say determine Death Metal popularity. It's still pretty underground but a lot of trendy bands these days are incorporating elements of DM into their mainstream crap. There's always people who prefer 'the glory days' and those who want to stay on the current cutting edge. There's a lot of good (and bad) music that shouldn't be ignored simply beacuse it's too old or too new.

I personally like Cannibal Corpse. I only have their box set (I found it very cheap) but I don't have any desire to purchase any more of their albums. And yeah, I don't take them seriously. Still, they have some great songs.

Of the bands mentioned on this thread I highly recommend Cryptopsy. And I saw Suffocation last Saturday night, absolutely brutal!
Naggamanteh said:
I would say death metal is close to its peak now. In technicality, brutality, and speed, most bands are much better than the bands of the early nineties.

If those are the elements you ascribe the most importance to in death metal, you are a fucking idiot.
Guardian of Darkness said:
"The Spell of Retribution" by The Chasm, "Changes" by Miasma, "A Velvet Creation" by Eucharist
No to these three. "The Spell of Retribution" is fucking weak, they're more "heavy metal" than death metal at this point; if you really want this sort of thing, you might as well listen to Dissection- "The Somberlain" (not that that album is any good, either). Miasma is pretty mediocre, aside from having the most badass production and vocalist ever. That Eucharist album (I've never heard anything else from them) is a 59th tier rip-off of "The Red in the Sky is Ours", and is WAY too melodramatic for its own good; you'd expect to hear something like that one of the first two Dark Tranquillity albums.
You guys have given me a lot to work with. Thanks, very much.

For the record, I for one kind of like the fact that Cannibal Corpse aren't to be taken all that seriously, thematically. I'm enjoying the music right now. Lyrically, it's sick and brutal, but there's no blurring of the line between reality and fantasy. At least, that's the way I'd describe it. My favorite band since childhood is S.O.D., so that should give you an idea where I'm coming from.

Don't get me wrong...There's something to be said for the other way of doing things. I tend to think most of Slayer's lyrical rants are from the heart, but I'm still a Slayer fan.
For newer fans, something from Arghoslent, Amon Amarth, maybe mid-era Hypocrisy, and Aeternus might be good choices.

The Chasm is a good choice as well.
polarity said:
If those are the elements you ascribe the most importance to in death metal, you are a fucking idiot.
I'm not trying to contradict you, but what are you most important elements in death metal?
The peak of death metal was definitely '91-'93('92 in particular, as GoD mentioned). I can think of little more than 10 death metal albums worth my time that were released after '95.

The Eucharist, Miasma, and The Chasm releases(mentioned) are all worth while if not excellent.
I agree with GoD that bands like Cannibal Corpse are definitely among the worse death metal bands, but they work as a great gateway to get into the genre when you're first starting out. I wouldn't think people new to that style of music could appreciate most of the bands you mentioned.
Guardian of Darkness said:
Cannibal Corpse strike me as being utterly boring and monotonous, relentlessness is fine if it's balanced with variation but this stuff's uber-repetitive, in the melody, drumming, vocals, everything. Very little stands out in each track. Not only this, however, but each song as a whole sounds rather identical to the next. And, oh, wait, SO DO THEIR ALBUMS! Creativity = pretty much zilch.

You're.... umm... wrong. Not sure how else to say it.

But this specifically...

relentlessness is fine if it's balanced with variation

How exactly can you balance relentlessness with anything other than more relentlessness? Doesn't it loose what makes it relentless when it... ya know... relents? :err:

That's the whole idea of brutal death metal, skipper. Just cause you don't like it...
Absu - Barathrum V.I.T.R.I.O.L (1993)
Afflicted – Prodigal Sun (1992)
Altar – Ex Oblivione (1992)
Amorphis – The Karelian Isthmus (1992)
Asphyx – The Rack (1991)
At the Gates – The Red in the Sky is Ours (1992)
Atheist – Unquestionable Presence (1991)
Atrocity - Hallucinations (1990)
Bluuurgh... - In My Embrace (1992)
Brutality – Screams of Anguish (1993)
Cadaver - ...In Pains (1992)
Carbonized – For the Security (1991)
Cemetary - An Evil Shade of Grey (1992)
Creepmime – Shadows (1993)
Crypt of Kerberos – World of Myths (1993)
Darkthrone – Soulside Journey (1990)
Demigod – Slumber of Sullen Eyes (1992)
Demilich – Nespithe (1993)

...I reckon you can figure out where this is going.
The Grimace said:
You're.... umm... wrong. Not sure how else to say it.

But this specifically...

How exactly can you balance relentlessness with anything other than more relentlessness? Doesn't it loose what makes it relentless when it... ya know... relents? :err:

That's the whole idea of brutal death metal, skipper. Just cause you don't like it...

Damn right. And the band completely transcended themselves with "The Wretched Spawn."