
What do you think of suicide or the lethal injection?

  • It should be kept/made legal.

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • It should be kept/made illegal

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • I don't care/ I don't have any opinion of the matter:D

    Votes: 13 29.5%

  • Total voters

eternal alchemist

New Metal Member
Oct 27, 2006
United Kingdom, England, Walsall
What do you think? Should suicide/assisted suicide be legallized or banned?
Do you think that a lethal injection should only be enforced when 2 doctors and a family member consent to it? Or is the opinion of the 'suicidee' the most superior, and in a self centred manner should it not concern anybody else if they kill themselves, it's their life:Smug: Sorry, I got bored, and so many of the people I hang out with want to kill themselves, so I thought it'd be funny:rolleyes: Please participate
Assisted suicide/Euthanasia/Mercy Killing. Should be legal, but only in cases where the person in question is suffering from a medical illness that causing their quality of life to be horrible.

Suicide due to own free will because of "depression" and all the shit these emos come up with however, is gay.
I think if mentally they cannot cope with life, or are what I would call 'emotionally doomed' when they cannot leave a state of depression or forfeit where they have literally given up on life, they should have the right to commit suicide though since I believe mental behaviour is not 'curable' but it is what we make of it, they should consult a doctor and convince them that they will gain nothing more from death than they will life. I have never wanted to kill myself, but when I got immensely bullied I could not cope with the stress and found it difficult, I almost had some sort of nervous breakdown and the pressure was substantial. The thing that got me out of that state is ruling out my own superiority and not being offended by people, though by what I'm saying sounds like I cared about what people thought, it was merely just a barrage of stress
i guess its something personal, no one(the goverment in that case) should bitch about

i hope there isn't much emo/goths in this thread :erk:
and be depressed doesn't mean that you're emo/goth angst-teen, lots of "adults" also feel it
Yes, moron emos get it, if you are actually a 'goth' of what the word actually means you will appreciate life and see the dark beauties of it:err: I hate how people misconcieve being bored with life as opposed to being mentally incapable to bare with the stress of life
FUCK, i clicked ban before i read thought about old people who dont wanna live anymore ^^
This is a mixed issue for me.

Personally, I don't believe suicide in most cases is right. Unless someone is suffering horribly from mental instability (not 'omg lyke im ssOO deprezzed 'cuz my 'rents won't let me c fall out boy'. In this case I mean someone who has had medical and professional help yet they continue to spiral downward.) or is suffering physically (someone so ill that they are permanently bedridden), they should not be "euthanized". (I think I spelled that right...)

However, the problem with legalizing suicide is the abuse it may get from people who don't have severe mental or physical problems. Assuming that you must be legal age to even apply for assisted suicide, can you imagine the number of 18 to 20 year old kids who would sign up for it just because they think their life sucks? It'd be so easy for people like that to lie and get the assisted suicide.

I don't have a problem with assisted suicide as long as the people who are doing it aren't abusing it.

Now, that said, I don't condone suicide. I think it's stupid and selfish. Why waste the life that you have? Life is meant to be hard, it's meant to be tough. We're put on this earth to make mistakes and to learn from them. If there is a great emotional pain in your life, I'm sorry, but there also has been in mine and I'm still here. There has been great pain in my mom's life, my dad's life, my family's life, and they are still here. In fact, everyone has a great pain in their life that damn near cripples them. But the difference between the different pains is the people who overcome them and the people who let it take them.

And, with that final rant, I still say that the only people who should even be thinking about suicide are the ones that I talked about in my first big paragraph.
I agree with Patches. My parents and family are ashamed of me, though I simply don't care. It doesn't destroy me, I haven't made any specific plans to love anybody or be dependant on them. I'm self-reliant and I think people should have the right, nobody should be there to question them, though there are people that care in the world enough to warn them that they may be making the wrong decision.
if someone wants to die, then let them fuckin die. the world is so overpopulated anyway. we really don't need so many stupid human beings breathing.

besides, suicide is up to the INDIVIDUAL. who cares if they're a stupid emo fag or if they're mentally ill or injured or whatever. if they want to die, it's THEIR decision. they should die.
Now, that said, I don't condone suicide. I think it's stupid and selfish. Why waste the life that you have? Life is meant to be hard, it's meant to be tough.

as i said that is a personal thing, what you're doing, its juding people, by your point of view of YOUR life

my uncle lost his wife from leukemia, there were soul mates, and i would totaly understand if he had suicided.

if someone wants to die, then let them fuckin die. the world is so overpopulated anyway. we really don't need so many stupid human beings breathing.

besides, suicide is up to the INDIVIDUAL. who cares if they're a stupid emo fag or if they're mentally ill or injured or whatever. if they want to die, it's THEIR decision. they should die.

exactly, i don't see a big deal in death, its something natural, that happens everyday, i wouldn't want to see the people that i like die, but i couldn't care less about other people
Suicide is Egotistic, and their is beauty in death, though if people kill themselves out of misunderstanding life it fails to be shown. I would much rather be a homicidal maniac than kill myself.

you're looking at the point of emo/goths "AMG NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME *SLIT WRIST*" :erk:

if i needed attention of course i would do something else than suicide... :heh:
well even family members who are mourning over their dead loved ones are being selfish. when you are sad because someone you love has died, you are sad because it is a loss to YOU. YOU will no longer have that person to enjoy within your own life. so you are being selfish.

and come on! you live life for your own sake, you don't live your life for others. so of course suicide is selfish, as it should be. you're doing whatever you want with your life. you're not here to impress others. you're here to live (or die) for yourself.
well even family members who are mourning over their dead loved ones are being selfish. when you are sad because someone you love has died, you are sad because it is a loss to YOU. YOU will no longer have that person to enjoy within your own life. so you are being selfish.

and come on! you live life for your own sake, you don't live your life for others. so of course suicide is selfish, as it should be. you're doing whatever you want with your life. you're not here to impress others. you're here to live (or die) for yourself.

+1 exactly my toughts

EDIT@ wanting or not there will always be someone to "rule" directly or indirectly, like society, family, or other one... i belive that suicide belongs to the "free will" if someone try to stop me from suicide, is the same thing that telling you what music you should hear, or what religion to follow...

free will FTW!