
What do you think of suicide or the lethal injection?

  • It should be kept/made legal.

    Votes: 21 47.7%
  • It should be kept/made illegal

    Votes: 10 22.7%
  • I don't care/ I don't have any opinion of the matter:D

    Votes: 13 29.5%

  • Total voters
Suicide should always be the last solution... I mean, yes you should be allowed to do it but it's just stupid not to even consider things like, GETTING HELP, first.

And if that doesn't work out, if you can't figure out a way to fix your goddamn life, and you just can't carry the burden anymore, then... kill yourself if you like. It's not a way to live if you just stay here because of others, or because they will miss you after you die. You are here to live for yourself, it's your own decision if you can or cannot do that, no matter what others will think.
Of course, if you like to live for someone else and that makes you happy, that's all different.

What comes to cutting, yes, it is addicting. And yes, it is the stupidest way to seek attention, unless you are not doing well and you need a way to let people know about that, if they don't notice it otherwise.
Other reasons, why people cut, there are many. Like guilt, for example.

All about euthanasia has been said, so I only say it should be legalized and my opinion has been said in other people's posts already.

FTW, I never thought I was cool saying it.

(EDIT: making suicide legal doesn't mean that other people should not be allowed to try to prevent it)
oh and btw

Life to me is devoid of meaning.

So every moment in this world, one makes a conscious choice for living.

A choice that is reversable at any moment.

Suicide is just a choice. pff.
oh and btw

Life to me is devoid of meaning.

So every moment in this world, one makes a conscious choice for living.

A choice that is reversable at any moment.

Suicide is just a choice. pff.
:lol: My thoughts exactly. We all have individual meaning, religion teaches us that it's procreation, to go to heaven, etc. But it's not. Our conscious makes a purpose that derives from what we think about life, and what we want to do about it. We are always pondering our meaning, few ever reach the point of realising their true purpose, as the absence of this is the purpose of life. To find a purpose, and then when we have found ours we must act it out.