Usually it helps to have some acoustic treatments on the walls where you are tracking drums to kind of absorb the waves and keep them from bouncing back at the mics, thus killing off some of the room that gets recorded. Other than that, I usually just mic every single peice of the kit (besides cymbals) seperately, and VERY close, as to eliminate the need for a lot of gating in post. I usually end up with very little bleed somehow, and very little gating. I guess it's just dependant on what you have and how you use it. For cymbals I use two overheads (usually, sometimes more depending on the size/spread of the cymbals around the set. And I ALWAYS mic up the ride(s) seperately. I think the most gating I do is on the overheads actually, mostly to kill off the tom bleeds. Hmm. Yep.