Suma sumarum of the year 2002


Satan's yoyo
Oct 31, 2001
Stockholm, Sweden
- I don't believe etherealsadness is dead. too transparent and too blurry at the same time. (God will punish me for this one, right, more than I'm punished by him already? :D )

- more than ever I got assured that the members of my family (except for my mom, dad a bit less, metalized, my sister, bro little less, my dad's wife) are intelectually living in the stone - electrified age "oh mother, do shave me with a chainsaw". :ill:

- to add to the second (stone-electrified ones) + people that I meet: :puke:

- Jesus doesn't want me for a sunbeam. :lol:

- may the next year be cheerfull and successfull for all of you.

cheers. :D
Originally posted by Tee
- I don't believe etherealsadness is dead. too transparent and too blurry at the same time.
yeh what was a really bizzare happenings. i wonder what the real story is.