Summer of 2002


The Band called ROCK
Nov 7, 2001
Molde, Norway
Just wondered what the forumist are up to this summer.

Personally, I have not planned anything this year... It kinda sucks, cuz I`m used to plan out my vacations months before... This time I`m totally broke, and can`t afford anything... I`d love to go to some festivals, but it must wait.. Beeing a student is not easy... I guess my girlfriend and myself will take our tent and drive to Sweden...just to get away for some days..She will drive and I will drink beer... heh heh, I guess it will be cool :cool:
And I`m still hoping for a summer-release of Alive Again..
Hopefully I'll be going back out on the road a bit to play some one-off gigs here and there. I've been working on a album for the past several months and I'm dying to get back out to play in front of a live audience again.

Apart from that, I'll be geting the album ready for actual release. I'm mixing now. Next comes the mastering,(or, more to the point, scrounging up the money for mastering) then pressing the promos and comps, then comes the real hard part - marketting the finished product. Hope to reach that stage by late Summer or early Autumn.
Good luck, Analog Kid. (I don't envy you the marketing stuff at all- I hate that part!)

My plans...
I'm studying Children's Lit this summer by Distance Ed and integrating cat number 5 into the family. I'm writing for a couple of small papers too. I got a second part-time job for the summer a while back and now I'm looking for a third. (You're not the only one who's broke, Nightfall Overture!) There's lots of music stuff I want to be doing too, but it always seems to get put off.
Nothing too thrilling when all's told...
ooh,i wish it was winter here, has started getting stupidly warm :cry:
but hehe on the other hand i need holidays!!

I'll probably spend my July learning spanish (i predict lots of laugh :p) and maaaaaaaybe studying a bit cause i'll have lots of exams in september ( :cry: )

Last summer sucked for several reasons,but this one i'll have the time of my life (partly at least)...I *feel* it....August i will go on holidays...somewhere in Greece...on an island-haven't decided which yet (i'm saving like hell-being a student sucks :( ) thing is for sure;I'll be 15 days and nights with my special one...I'm pissing my pants already..... :hotjump:

AnalogKid@ good luck

and have a cool summer all of you!! (although it's a bit early yet)
Sounds awesome, melancholia, Greece must be beautiful especially the islands surrounding it. =)

I will continue to play shows with my Progresive/Hard rock band "Relayer"...Go into recording studio sometime in July, celebrate my birthday alone with a few beers on the 27th. Hopefully meet interesting new people...this will be the first summer I'm without a love in my life in 2 yrs, so it shall be interesting, to say the least.
I`m going to Greece(on my trip around Europe) Maybe I see you there Melancholia :) and I`m I will work the rest of the time, taking care of the old( you gotta help the aged). I hate to work, but you gotta earn some money!!
If your in Gothenburg, Sweden on the 17:th of August you can't miss the prog festival that will be held there. Flower Kings, P-FLOYD (great cover band), Andromeda (fantastic progmetal) and two local bands.
OK, I broke down....I was told I needed to do 'something' this, now I can say that I wrote a post on

but really...I enjoy simple, my summer will be quite full with them...too many to list...but they all involve the outside :)...I don't return to the water until July, scales are getting dried out and itchy...hope I can wait...

"A poet who reads his verse in public may have other nasty habits."
-Lazarus Long