Summer road trip


The Dreaming Mind
Mar 14, 2004
Destination: Portland... and Seattle!!!!!!

Start date: June 30th
End date: July 9th (MAYHEM FEST is on the 10th, and I gotsa be somewhat rested..)

I guess I'm going to be "sick" for the last 2 weeks of my work before the big layoff, so Andrew and I are on hitting the road for a bit. Finally.

Soo, I'm not familiar with either of these cities, and I need help figuring out the sites to see.
I know I'm definitely going to Olympic National Park, but other than that..I'm clueless. :confused:
Hanging out with peoples would also be sweet!

I'm also considering moving to either within the next year or so, and I'm trying to weigh the odds here.

Oooh yeah...we'll either be sleeping in my car, camping or crashing on a couch/floor.
Let me know if you have available floorspace for a Lesa or Andrew (he doesn't take up much room...just tilt him sideways, and he disappears).


Thank yoooou!

I'm also visiting you this summer, Isabel! Do not fret! :)
Going to come see Summer Slaughter in Seattle on the 3rd? I'll be there! Also, the 3rd is my birthday, so that much better!
whoa, talk about great timing!
I'd love to be there for that!!
*and yer birfday of course, aww*

I'm afraid my jump drives are offline, so I don't think Sweden will be possible, mah dear


One day, though...I need to say hello to the family before they're all dead :erk:
*hears crickets*

Don't all shout out at once, now. :p

Seriously...I'm leaving tomorrow for Arcata, and I'm most likely going to Summer Slaughter in Seattle.

*must sleep now*
Awesome, if you hit up Summer Slaughter make a point of texting or calling me, we'll have a drink! I'll send ya my number.
I'm in Portland! I didn't die, woot!!
We slept in our car at a rest stop near Cave Junction, and we walked through the Oregon Caves today.
It was hot - my driving arm is waaaay darker now.

Tyler, I'll be sure to call you if we go to the metal festy :)

The general idea is that we're heading to Seattle on the 3rd now. I need to find out what time Summer Slaughter starts..

I'm off to wander a few parks with my buddies - see ya!
It's gonna blaze this weekend for sure.

And I'm gonna blaze this weekend for sure.

If I didn't have to drive anywheres, I'd join ya. :)

I explored central Portland today - it was pretty awesome. I'm checking out the nightlife tonight
Arrived in Seattle yesterday, went to summer slaughter (arrived during Origin's last song *kicks self*), and I met Tyler and Kevin!!!

Today i ate at a vegan thai place, took the underground tour, wandered and took a billion pics, walked across town, watched the fireworks by the water...

More to come!
Us Europeans do a really small amount of meeting up, to be honest.

We should try to get a board meet somewhere. It wouldn't be that difficult or expensive for those of us around Central Europe.