Heart palps! Heeelp!

heh, so were all of mine.
I won't take other meds besides ibuprofen..unless it's an emergency.

Edit: I guess the doctors in Ukiah are refusing new patients because they don't think they are paid enough...and apparently, since I haven't seen them in years, they've probably tossed my record.
Sooooo, I don't have a doctor..yay!
get an ekg + echocardiogram + blood work

could be a couple of different things.
no stimulants
work out more often
no saturated fats
more sleep + water

theyll fit you with a heart monitor too. request the king of hearts monitor, as its the most accurate.

im sure youll be ok. the echo test is the most important, and can check for any abnormalites. and PRAY IT ISNT M.V.P. worst fucking heart condition ever.
I share your pain. I have had mysterious heart issues for a number of years. Doctors have been all but useless to me in that area. My heart will at times randomly "seize" up and give me an extremely painful constriction feeling, sometimes causing many muscles in my bodies left side to rapidly tense up. Other times it feels similar to flutters or jolts, as if the heart is missing beats or adding irregular ones. From what I've gathered though my problem isnt really something detrimentally affecting my heart or body (at least from what the doctors can tell). Essentially its just become a painful irritation I have to live with. There is no way I have found of stopping them or halting the process. Usually its just a 5-15 second painful ordeal that happens at random every few weeks, kinda like a mini heart attack :)

Hopefully your situation is less painful than mine and isnt causing any long term negative effects on your body. My dog just died last tuesday and I've been having a rather terrible week as well. I'd like to play the optimist more but....c'est la vie. Good luck to you.
^ My sensations are exactly like you just described.


Well I suppose that increases the chances that I dont have some type of odd genetic mutation, which I would say is probably a good thing.

Im also very healthy and active, I hike and work outdoors all day, drum, climb, etc.

I really have no idea where the problem originates as well. Its really not something that bothers me though, as I said I've just accepted it and live my life!
Usually its just a 5-15 second painful ordeal that happens at random every few weeks, kinda like a mini heart attack :)

Hopefully your situation is less painful than mine and isnt causing any long term negative effects on your body. My dog just died last tuesday and I've been having a rather terrible week as well. I'd like to play the optimist more but....c'est la vie. Good luck to you.

Mini heart attacks?? :erk:
And they have no idea what's going on with you...that's scary.
And I'm sorry about your doggie...It's so hard losing pets because it's just like losing a member of your family :( *hugs*

And thanks, Dan...If this happens again, hopefully I'll have enough monies to go to a cardiologist next time. And I do need to change a few things...like my random sleep schedule. I excercise a lot, mostly hiking and walking everywhere, but maybe I should start running again...hrrrmmm
^ My sensations are exactly like you just described.

Same here. It's our love, spreading across the vast ocean.

I've had tons of tests and monitors and bills myself - nothing. My resting heart rate is about 110-115, and they don't know why or what to do or what, if any, complications that might bring. My heart feels like it stops sometimes and then kicks back on and slams around in my chest. And I get the weird falling sensation too, it's unnerving. But not unusual apparently, so I think you're fine. :)

I sent you a message on myspace, I'm so sorry about your lil baby. :cry:
Thanks, Sammeh. I'm going to miss that little fuzzball. :(

Wow, It's been a shitty day for the both of us, eh?
I wouldn't worry too much on it.. everybody has little quirks and differences that are different from other people. If you're like me, you could type a condition into wikipedia, read through the symptoms.. and convince yourself that you have it.I'm after going to the doctor about stuff like that and once i went there he baiscally told me that i was thinking things into somthing theyre not. He said people are a little more asymmetrical than others, other people will have a weird rib, etc, and that for the most part, if it doesnt give you pain or discomfort then there isnt much to worry about (In that particular case anyway)

Worrying is the worst part of it huh?
It happens to everybody at some point but if it happens frequently that can mean that you have a problem with your SA node or the other electrical hardware of the heart. It's serious but very correctable.

The important thing is that when you hear your heart beating that you don't hear any woosh or slushings along with the beat because that could mean a leaky valve and that is fairly serious.

I suggest you see a qualified doctor if your problem persists...
Feel better, Lesa.
