Summer Shows, Please?


Feb 8, 2009
Hi, Theocracy: any plans for a show or two this summer? I'm willing to drive half a country, if need be. My son and I have been jonesing for a Theocracy show. Seriously, I ache to hear Mirror of Souls and I Am in a live show. It's like worship only on steroids!

Seriously, can't we rally the troops and sell out some venue in the middle of a bunch of states? Somewhere? Please?

{Puts on his best John Belushi voice} Who's with me?
ProgPower on Friday and Saturday is, but I don't believe that either the Thursday Kickoff (Pagan's Mind, DGM, and Draekon) or Wednesday Midweek Mayhem (Pain of Salvation, Theocracy, and Vangough) are. Both are separate tickets from the Fri/Sat festival. A lot of people only come into town for Fri/Sat, so the Wed & Thu shows often have tickets available long after the main festival sells out.

Plus, there are always people whose plans change and are looking to sell tickets the week of the show even if it sells out, so if you want to see Theocracy then, you can make it happen.

In fact, when Nightwish & Kamelot played the Wednesday & Thursday shows a few years ago, I was not able to go on Thursday, so I posted on the message board that was I selling my tickets and I ended up selling them on the day of the concert to.....Matt & Sue :)

<---- I just noticed that this month is the 10-year anniversary of me signing up for an Ultimate Metal account to post about Theocracy. Has this train really been moving for that long???