View from the Crew


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Thanks to Simon Burrell and Paul Finnie for all their hard work on tour!:worship:


Tour Schedule

June 21-23 Rehearsals at Panic Studios, North Acton, London
June 24 - Hull Adelphi with Intense and Infobia
June 25 - Bradford Rio with Intense and Humanity
June 26 - One Big Day Pontypool (cancelled)
June 27 - Camden Underworld with Intense and Humanity
June 28 - Southampton Joiners with Intense and AntiTrust
After just 3 days in the rehearsal studio, Power Quest were ready for the
Summer of Metal Tour. My job was to get them to where they needed to be, when
they needed to be there. So, having hired a splitter van from Music Bank and
collected the band members from pick up points in Southampton and Heathrow,
we headed up North. After a long drive, we arrived at the Adelphi Club in Hull
which was,suprisingly, right in the middle of a residential street.
Infobia opened the nights proceedings with a full on set of good hard rocking
metal! The frontman was utilising the dancefloor as much as the stage itself..
and what a voice!
Intense played a great set, plagued only by the anticipation of the penalty
shoot-out from the England V Portugal game on the tv in the other bar. It was
a shame really that the Euro 2004 fixtures had panned out this way.
Power Quest showed the crowd that they meant business with a blinding show!
The next day was the short trek over to Bradford...scene of the infamous
merchandise theft last year. We had never been to Rio's before and we were
pleasantly suprised by what we found. A good size venue with a two tier stage
gave the guys a bit of room to move around during the show.
Humanity opened up the show and played a great set which the crowd warmed to
and Intense followed that with another really tight performance.
A great crowd that sung along with all the songs ensure that Power Quest
put on a performance full of energy and enthusiasm.
Saturday was the long drive to South Wales for the One Big Day festival in
Pontypool. We had got to within 30 minutes of the venue when we received the
dreaded phone call to inform us that "health and safety" had cancelled the
show due to the torrential rain which had been with us all the way from
Bradford. This was to be an outdoor show so really safety had to be top
priority. A real shame as it would have been great to see PQ on an outdoor
stage. All this gave us an impromptu night off, which we spent enjoying the
food and sounds of.....MONMOUTH! At least one member of the crew had a night
to remember! haha!
On Sunday we headed for London.Just a random thought at this juncture....
there is only so much motorway services food the humna body can take before
you start craving some home cooking!
Camden Underworld proved to be a great show with all 3 bands putting on great
performances and really getting a great response from the crowd. As in
Bradford, Power Quest were afforded an encore which they duly performed with
great big smiles on their faces! There was an amusing incident when one of
Andrea's cables got caught up in a guitar strap thrown on stage for Andrea
by an avid fan.
The Joiners Arms in Southampton was the venue for the final gig of the tour.
A small venue that wasn't really prepared (sound wise) for the Summer of metal
onslaught. The sound engineer liked what he heard and managed to pull out a
really great mix and once again the crowd demanded an encore....which was
delivered in the shape of "Glory Tonight". A fantastic finish to a fantastic
five day journey. See you all at the Underworld on September 2nd for
Threshold/Balance of Power/Power Quest!
Simon Burrell
I wish I could live in europe so I could follow bands around and know them and shit. I supose I can do that in NZ but my favorite kiwi band just lost there bass player and he was the man so.....