
In fact they got problems with the plane, and they arrived just in time to play the gig!!! Tight, really tight... :ill:
For Finntroll, they didn't received their material (instruments, etc...) and they were forced to play on Amoprhis's... Both gigs ruled anyway... :rock:
The show was short (they didn't play any Something Wild song and just two FtR songs:"Hate Me!" and "Everytime I die"), but damn great!!!!! The fifth CoB show for me this year! And Roope is very suitable to CoB! Roope rocks!!! But we also missed Ale....
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Thilo said:
The show was short (they didn't play any Something Wild song and just two FtR songs:"Hate Me!" and "Everytime I die"), but damn great!!!!! The fifth CoB show for me this year! And Roope is very suitable to CoB! Roope rocks!!! But we also missed Ale....

Roope is a fucking drunk.. lol So he really fits in perfectly.. :p

This afternoon I'm gonna hand in the pics.. They will be in my hands tomorrow.. Hell yeah

@Thortyir: hello, I see you already found me ;)
Indeed a bad day for COB. Their set should start at 21:05 but at that time the roadies were still building the drumkit and after that there were some technical problems with the guitars, so that COB could finally begin at 21:30. It was the known set from the European tour with the Needled-Hate Me beginning. They also didn't play Bodom After Midnight, Kissing The Shadows, You're Better Off Dead and Bodom Beach Terror. But the show kicked some major ass! COB are getting better all the time.
i´m back, too :) every piece of my body hurts, but i don´t give a was awesome!!! :)

yeah, it was too short, the technical problems were not so good, too and a guy crashed on my back during the gig (i felt like dying)...but, cob still rule and they ever will!!!
and i was at the autograph session next day...hell yeah!!! fuckin´ great!!! :rock: got autographs from the whole band, but not from roope. he wasn´t there. anyway, the guys were really nice. after jaska had signed my piece of paper, he looked up straight in my eyes and smiled at me. so fuckin´cute!!! :) hell, why can´t i turn back time :(
I'm back as well, and still dead. (I'm Maili Björklund, dammit!)
Well I thought something was really weird about that gig... Dunno if it was the sound that sucked major ass, if it was Aku that was missing, if it was just the audience that was weird (front row crowded with In Extremo fans that didn't talk a word to you inbetween gigs), or the fact that I could see Janne or Jaske because the stage was so high...
It was ...unreal somehow. I didn't realize I was going to see COB, and I still haven't realized I did so. Maybe it was just strange seeing them on a festival after 3 club shows??? No fuckin' idea, really...

But the signing session was cool! Got my Follow The Reaper flag signed and Henkka wrote "drunk in Abtsgmünd", Allu wrote "Rock 'til ya drop!" and "PUNK ROCK!" and Jaska wrote "fuck yeah", and Allu told me that I was wearing a very cool top (it was a self-painted top saying "PUNK ROCK FROM HELL) -> I grinned and said "I think I'm gonna design your clothes in the future." Oh, in case anybody heard Allu say something like "that flag out there is pretty cool" durung the gig, he was referring to my hand-sewed COB flag that you can see at *smile* Oh and when my best friend had Janne sign my "Unknown Soldier" booklet, Allu pulled the booklet out of his hands and they laughed at the pic of Janne for ages...
yeah, hi@all!!! :wave:

@Marko: yes, i´m still alive :)

@Anneke: can i see the pics, too? the battery of my camera got empty during the gig, so i couldn´t take any pics :cry:

@Maili Björklund: you´ve been at the signing session, too? sad that we didn´t meet each other :( hey, pretty cool what the guys had written on your flag :rock:
oh yeah, "drunk at abtsgmünd" is the real word. i wasn´t totally drunk, but i took some beer, too :)
have you heard this "helgaaaaaaa!!!"-shoutings at night, too? crazy people :lol:
That quiz seems to be really cool. Just yesterday I was reading the first Metal quiz in the last Metal Hammer and it was Murderdools vs. The Donnas and I thought why can't they take some real cool Metal bands like COB. Now I got 'em. Too bad that COB lost...