Summing Mixers... worth the investment?


Still Learning
Sep 26, 2003
Bogota, Colombia
Hello everyone... i was wandering what you guys think about this... i was checking the new Chandler MiniMixer... you think is worth the investment? Would you buy this or invest in a buss compressor or processor like Cranesong's Hedd?

Thanks for your opinions!
unless you have allready many nice piece of gear in your studio, would I recommend looking at something as a summing mixer to add the final touch....
anyway try it out, maybe it is what you need...
read the article in the new sound on sound

invest in a nice comp/eq instead.

i would recomend the thermionic culture phoenix , or alan smart c1, or a manley massive passive, or manley SLAM!
acorredor said:
Hello everyone... i was wandering what you guys think about this... i was checking the new Chandler MiniMixer... you think is worth the investment? Would you buy this or invest in a buss compressor or processor like Cranesong's Hedd?

Thanks for your opinions!

You really gotta listen to it man. I personally own a mixdream for summing, but I also already have all the comps/eqs/pres/toys I could ever need. I know alot of people don't believe in the results of analog summing boxes, but I do now.

About 6 months ago, me and 4 engineer buddies all got together and tested out 5 boxes: Mixdream, Fulcrom, Tubetech, Innertube, a Nautilus.

We had our assistant print mixes from each box, each with lowered/raised gain or input, ITB, and ITB compressed. All the mixes were brought up on faders, checked to make sure their volume was almost all exact, and our assistant was the only one who knew exactly what mixes were which.

While we all chose different mixes as our favorites, none of us chose either of the ITB box mixes.

Now would I say summing works...yes.... is it right for you? I have no idea...IMHO summing should be the last thing you ever buy.....there's so many other things that make WAY MORE of a difference to the sound of stuff than these boxes.
I'm thinking about buying a Allen & Heath GS3000 or a TL Audio M4 to spread out tracks coming off the DAW.