Sunn 0))) & Boris - Altar

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Sunn 0))) & Boris - Altar
Southern Lord – SUNN62 – 2006
By Nathan Pearce


This is not a split album. This is Sunn 0))) and Boris collaborating on each and every song. There are six songs, in fact, and each of them offers something truly enjoyable. For fans of Sunn 0))), please note that not every song carries the weight of the “heavy drone” that Sunn 0))) plays almost exclusively. In fact, Boris’ inclusion of drums makes Sunn 0))) that much more of an intense beast. If you can’t stand the drone happy Sunn 0))), but you really dig some of the psychedelic rock/feedback-drenched clamor of some of Boris’ more listenable outings, there is plenty to offer you folks as well. Much in the way Boris adds a new dimension to Sunn 0)))’s singular approach to droning, Sunn 0))) adds a new “weight” and depth to Boris’ style.

The album starts off with a slow droning piece reminiscent of much of what Sunn 0))) has been offering for several years now, but the song quickly morphs into something new and different. Once Boris enters the fold with drums and feedback, it is clear Altar is going to offer something beyond what both bands normally offer.

Song #2, “N.L.T.”, is a short journey into atmospheric drone with an inspiring use of subtle feedback. Again, this isn’t something I would have expected from either band.

“The Sinking Belle (Blue Sheep)” is truly where the listener realizes something truly amazing is going on with the collaboration. Stunning, subtle, beautiful, and haunting vocals provided by Jesse Sykes are the driving force behind this awesome piece similar to something off the latest Earth album. This song fits the framework of the overall album, but it is something that I’m sure NOBODY expected from these two bands. In fact, the price of this CD is easily worth it just for this song.

I won’t divulge every moment on this album, but I will say that the album offers much in the way of variety and progression for both bands. Hell, the contributions of Kim Thayil, Joe Preston, and a few others are almost secondary to everything else this album has to offer. Altar is truly a brilliant collaboration by two of the world’s foremost doom/drone/psychedelic bands. Here’s to hoping this isn’t their only outing.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Southern Lord’s Official Website
Bought this album used last summer for 8 Bucks and absolutely love it. I had actually hardly heard of SunnO))) before I got this and Monoliths & Dimensions.

Made me get hooked to Boris. I recently (last weekend) DL'd all of their Studio Albums and one of their Collab's with Merzbow.:rock:

The Sinking Belle is the Best track on the album, Akuma No Kuma being a close second. :Smokedev:
For fans of Sunn. My band is called GRAVESIDESERVICE and Scott Conner (Xasthur) as a favor has played some bass on some of our songs. We do not sound like Xasthur so dont expect any of what would be called DSBM. We have been around for almost 10 years and are now finally being recognized after many albums and no label. Come review our band at our facebook page. We figure if you like Scotts bass and guitar work on his other projects you may like to hear what he sounds like with GSS which once was a guitar-less BM band.
Here is some songs and links...Thanks for your time...
PS we need a label...


I noticed that you are a fan of Xasthur. I am the drummer from the project with Scott Conner, Nocturnal Poisoning (band). I am also the album artist for Xasthur Portal of Sorrow and Nightmares at Dawn. I am offering a killer deal, You get the new Nocturnal Poisoning cd, 2 cds from the band GRAVESIDESERVICE that Scott played bass for once he quit Xasthur and I played drums for, and lastly some limited edition pins. I will cut you a killer deal on this..

I can do this one time phenomenal deal that I am doing just to get the music out there to the fans. You get one copy of Nocturnal Poisoning - Other Worlds of the Mind, 2 Gravesideservice cds which is the project that I (Ronald Armand Andruchuk -portal of sorrow album artist and drummer from Nocturnal Poisoning) and Scott did post Xasthur, and 2 buttons, (limited edition Nocturnal poisoning / gravesideservice) all for 15 dollars.

Please add my facebook accounts to stay up to date on some awesome projects I am involved in and help keep metal and the arts alive
Heres what you get:
Nocturnal Poisoning - Other Worlds of the Mind (me on drums and album artwork, scott on guitar)
2 GRAVESIDESERVICE cds (this is the band Scott/malefic played bass on and I did drums for post Xasthur)
2 buttons (limited edition Nocturnal poisoning / gravesideservice)
Sunn 0))) & Boris - Altar
Southern Lord – SUNN62 – 2006
By Nathan Pearce


This is not a split album. This is Sunn 0))) and Boris collaborating on each and every song. There are six songs, in fact, and each of them offers something truly enjoyable. For fans of Sunn 0))), please note that not every song carries the weight of the “heavy drone” that Sunn 0))) plays almost exclusively. In fact, Boris’ inclusion of drums makes Sunn 0))) that much more of an intense beast. If you can’t stand the drone happy Sunn 0))), but you really dig some of the psychedelic rock/feedback-drenched clamor of some of Boris’ more listenable outings, there is plenty to offer you folks as well. Much in the way Boris adds a new dimension to Sunn 0)))’s singular approach to droning, Sunn 0))) adds a new “weight” and depth to Boris’ style.

The album starts off with a slow droning piece reminiscent of much of what Sunn 0))) has been offering for several years now, but the song quickly morphs into something new and different. Once Boris enters the fold with drums and feedback, it is clear Altar is going to offer something beyond what both bands normally offer.

Song #2, “N.L.T.”, is a short journey into atmospheric drone with an inspiring use of subtle feedback. Again, this isn’t something I would have expected from either band.

“The Sinking Belle (Blue Sheep)” is truly where the listener realizes something truly amazing is going on with the collaboration. Stunning, subtle, beautiful, and haunting vocals provided by Jesse Sykes are the driving force behind this awesome piece similar to something off the latest Earth album. This song fits the framework of the overall album, but it is something that I’m sure NOBODY expected from these two bands. In fact, the price of this CD is easily worth it just for this song.

I won’t divulge every moment on this album, but I will say that the album offers much in the way of variety and progression for both bands. Hell, the contributions of Kim Thayil, Joe Preston, and a few others are almost secondary to everything else this album has to offer. Altar is truly a brilliant collaboration by two of the world’s foremost doom/drone/psychedelic bands. Here’s to hoping this isn’t their only outing.


UM’s Review Rating Scale

Southern Lord’s Official Website

I really like this stuff. Sorrowful and powerful at the same time. Im glad I found some psychedelic stuff in metal, that is new for me. Could you tell me of some more Psychedelic metal bands?