Super 8 Hotel Roll call

I'll be there Tues-Sun.

Got free CDs for my Super 8 peeps, too. Unloading some of my collection. Conception's "Flow" is one of them, as well as some other groups who are playing ProgPower whose CDs I bought only to get acquainted with them.
Yeah, like Angrafan said we'll be there. It is important to find out WHICH Super8 everyone's staying at. We're at the midtown one, really close to Earhlink, while the bigger, downtown one is far from it.

Super 8 may not be the most "high maintenance" hotel in Atlanta, but we'll make sure we'll have a good time there as well!

We'll be there wed. night. Follow the music and you shall get to us.
I'll be there Thurs-Sat.
At the time of booking it was just myself going and I wasn't willing to spend $100+ on a hotel room.

And yes, I'm at the one two blocks away. This weekend was about not needing transportation so I wasn't about to stay at a hotel too far away.
Jibrille said:
I'll be there Thurs-Sat.
At the time of booking it was just myself going and I wasn't willing to spend $100+ on a hotel room.

And yes, I'm at the one two blocks away. This weekend was about not needing transportation so I wasn't about to stay at a hotel too far away.

Word, HELL YEA. Nice to see some people will be down at the Super 8. Il ook forward to making some of your acquaintances.

(Yes im at the one .55 miles from ELL =)
adaher said:
I'll be there Tues-Sun.

Got free CDs for my Super 8 peeps, too. Unloading some of my collection. Conception's "Flow" is one of them, as well as some other groups who are playing ProgPower whose CDs I bought only to get acquainted with them.

Looking forward for these CDs... I mean to see you there! LOL =)