Perfect Drums is insane, it has the best sounding Kicks, Snares and Toms!
I am not a big fan of the Cymbals but the first expansion is about to drop soon
and it seems like the cymbals from the expansion are more my cup of tea.
I also bought DRUMFORGE SAMPLER 1 recently, it also sounds great,
the Cymbals are insane, best cymbals ever, so yeah, i put it up for sale but i might
keep it and just combine it with Perfect Drums.
I'll take a deeper look into SD3 or EZ Drummer 3

D) when it's released but yeah
TT makes the same mistakes over and over again, that's also why i ended up selling all
of my TT stuff.
Oh and there is also SSD5 but honestly, who cares anymore?
It was announced like 4 years ago and still no valuable info about it,
i've asked the staf and steven personally but no info was provided, meh...