Superior Drummer 3

If I remember correctly, Made of Metal SDX wouldn't be released until Superior was updated so I guess we will see it being released in November.
I'm looking forward to buying this (OMG I'LL ACTUALLY HAVE THE CASH FOR THE UPGRADE!!!!111)...

but I am not looking forward to that download.

I'm eager to try this drum grid. I loved how BFD3 had this feature (but I really don't like BFD's samples) and I've wondered what a Superior Drummer version would be like. Welp, here we are.

How much will be the upgrade from SD2 to SD3?

EDIT: Nvm.. 210$.... Wow ok, this is a bit steep. But I guess SD2 is so old that SD3 is a big upgrade. Sucks for those of you who bought almost all the SDx packages. Some people spent between 500 and 1000$ on SD2 and SDx. Anyway, it's getting me curious, let's see how it is when it's out.
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It's hard to see that this is worth the upgrade price to me, although the tap-to-find MIDI feature will be helpful.

My main concern is that there aren't enough cymbal slots. I don't know who thought it was more important to have a ton of surround mics than to have enough cymbals, but it seems like a mistake to me, especially since they aren't spot-miced and therefore it's not so easy to drag in extras and reposition them.
I expect I can bring in drums from other libraries, which means I'll have to make sure I can match up the room sounds properly, and to have all the libraries installed.

Or I can probably use an XDrum or whatever the SD3 equivalent is to bring in one of the new cymbals - but it'll be the same place in the stereo mix as one of the ones that are already in the kit. Probably only myself and drummers would notice this, but I expect we will notice.
Well, I'm more looking to get "Perfect drums" one day. They have great engine and you can import your own samples.
P.S. I'll laugh my ass of if Toontrack will release Ezdrummer 3 instead :D

Hey. If u really wanna have perfect drums then u can have it:)). Sell some stuff right now.
Perfect Drums is insane, it has the best sounding Kicks, Snares and Toms!
I am not a big fan of the Cymbals but the first expansion is about to drop soon
and it seems like the cymbals from the expansion are more my cup of tea.

I also bought DRUMFORGE SAMPLER 1 recently, it also sounds great,
the Cymbals are insane, best cymbals ever, so yeah, i put it up for sale but i might
keep it and just combine it with Perfect Drums.

I'll take a deeper look into SD3 or EZ Drummer 3 :)D) when it's released but yeah
TT makes the same mistakes over and over again, that's also why i ended up selling all
of my TT stuff.

Oh and there is also SSD5 but honestly, who cares anymore?
It was announced like 4 years ago and still no valuable info about it,
i've asked the staf and steven personally but no info was provided, meh...
Hey what mistakes do they make over abd over again?
IMO, perfect drums sound pretty bad (atleast with built in mixing). Only thing that somewhat saves it are toms, and bell cymbals that aren't in any other drum vst. However there are Joey Strugis' drum and cymbal libraries with bells, and there is a TMF cymbal pack and a complete drum kit with bells. I just love bells :D

I'm really looking forward to superior drummer 3 because there are almost no other drum vst's that offer almost unprocessed samples. I hope there will be some bells too :)
Damn...u really love bells right:p
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Isn't that typical? It sucks. Had that problem before so I had to forget buying a guitar. And living in a house, there's always things that need to be done and sucking out the money from the wallet.
On the flip side, I have a new job that I'm waiting on thus I can make the money for this within a week.
All well then. I guess I wait another week after the release. The site will probably crash the first day. With so much to download it's better to wait. Otherwise it will probably take a whole day to download.
Btw I think TT makes good products as well!
Their UI is just better than anything else
, It's straight to the point.
Finally with latest releases they gave us some great sound. For example ezdrummer 2 sounds great out of the box even without expansions: fat and big.
Before ez2 I hated the sound of sd2, too thin and plastic.
I guess now they know what people really want from a drums sound
Something great for me would be to allow us to tune the batter head and the resonant head of each shell independently, and make it sound realistic.
Having different options ijn terms of drums muffling (no muffling, small drum pillow, big-ass pillow, moongels, etc) would be great too.

This makes a huge difference in how drums can sound.
Hoping that this is out by 9:30 AM CST Tuesday. It's going to take me two days just to download the Core, Room and Bleed samples. Hoping to get the download started before I go to work at 9:45.