Superior Drummer... sounds too roomy

Yeah really. All of us here have spent good time and effort learning how to make recordings sound halfway decent, and do you know how much of a slap in the face it is to have a novice like you come and ask how you can get a particular sound off the bat? You are trying to taunt us into giving you what you want, which clearly reflects your own inferiority at this craft.

I'll answer some stuff for you, for the money it cost, superior is well worth it. Slate samples are your next bet, because they rock. You won't sound like nickleback because you're not recording nickelback and you obviously don't
know what you're doing.

Well thanks...

I think you need to be a little less insulting I have been trying for years to get better at this craft and struggling.

I never asked how to get a sound of the bat, I just felt superior didnt deliver.

Whats interesting is that if you had spent as long as I have doing this you might understand my frustration... so obviously you cant have!

I dont want to sound like nickelback, im not a fan, however I do love that style of drum sound, big snares and kicks etc.

You still go at me even after my point about the frustration of the internet are you not just not able to bend a bit? If you met me and we had exactly the same conversation I doubt youd all be so fucking rude!
I cant understand why these companys cant release stuff a little bit more current.

I dont want to sound like nickelback, im not a fan, however I do love that style of drum sound, big snares and kicks etc.

Well you kind of ask for it dude. S.2 sounds awesome, if you dont like it go and record real drums.

And you are asking for a Staub mix. Well he is the best in the business so even if you dedicate say 20years you probably still wont get close. I got a couple of Staub samples but i ain't sharing hahah

Practice makes perfect!!!
Whats interesting is that if you had spent as long as I have doing this you might understand my frustration... so obviously you cant have!!
I think you need to be a little less insulting
No but seriously why can't you filter, compress, and blend Superior's room slightly? Or turn it off?

You've got the answers to your 'room' problem right there.

I don't get "I can't understand why these companys[sic] cant release stuff a little bit more current" What is that supposed to mean? SD2 sounds pretty 'current' to me. Maybe you're thinking of Slate samples? Don't start a thread by bashing SD2 and saying "I can't get the sounds I want out of it", that's just asking for it. SD2 isn't going to sound like your favorite Nickelback album out of the box. If you really want some help, post some samples of your SD2 mixes and maybe we can give you some pointers on how to get closer to the sound you want.
looksorry if i pissed you of, i just had a day of it and I have a really big mix coming up soon when it all goes to pot like recently i panic specially when important stuff comes up!

I'll probably have a better day of it soon and maybe love superior again
Dude, it won't sound like Nickelback (Or anything mixed and mastered) straight out the box (SOTB)..
The closest you'll get to a completly finished sound, is SSD.. (From what I've heard)
I use SSD, (EX+all Expansions) and like everything, it has to be tweaked..

The examples on Slate's site is of all the kits and SOTB.. so it's fairly easy to judge if it sounds good to you or not.
And A LOT of samples posted here on UM is awesome and free..
Check the drumsamples sticky..
You should be able to find something suitable for the upcoming mix..
just multi-out superior, and replace the snare/kick/toms with something that's more your taste (use drumagog/slate trigger/spl drumxchanger/whatever)
I'm pretty confident he is trying to say that Superior sounds like a "real" miced drumkit, but he'd rather have ultra-editet single sample finalized record sound.
I will try to seriously answear this now.

The thing is, "ultra real" is where that sound comes from, and thats where the mixing skill comes into place. If Nickelbacks snare is punchy, then its routed through a massive amount of either VST's or analog units and automated like a motherfucker, but they started out with something that sounded roughly like Superior.
Toontrack is not trying to sell us mixed drums, they sell drumsamples in their most natural state (except for these crap-ass presets they slack on there, I'll give you that) for personal mixing, and us "human being with somewhat of a mixing capability" are very happy because we can take these samples and make them our own by routing them through our stuff with our methods.
Slate Drums is somewhat more focused on the "give me mixed drums NAOW !!!" side of things but its also not really usable out of the box.

I do think Toontrack should do some kind of "remotely usable mix" atleast on Metal Foundry, all the stuff on there sounds so immensely retarded its not even funny.
The only usable stuff (for me) is the Slipknot and the LoG stuff, the rest sounds like a 70's spycheldelic record.

/ Yeah man, I love your sentence "quite frankly the internet is full of bullshit" and you talking about being "rediculed" before that ... made me LMAO hard.
Ok... to be fair I need to explain what has happened recently to put it in context.

And perhaps this might help others who find themselves in a similar place.

If you will listen to the first song:

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ok.. once youve done that...

I have to say I am not really into Nickelback, I just love the mixs done of the band and fellow bands who circle round them.

I am constantly pursuing this:

Can you see why I went down a path and ended up beating myself up. It only became apparent when I went back to listeing to Katatonia.... I was in a word.. AWOKEN!

Its the big picture, and as of yet I am so blind!
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I have to say I am not really into Nickelback, I just love the mixs done of the band and fellow bands who circle round them.

I am constantly pursuing this:

Can you see why I went down a path and ended up beating myself up. It only became apparent when I went back to listeing to Katatonia.... I was in a word.. AWOKEN!

Its the big picture, and as of yet I am so blind!

So what you're saying is that your reference for a good sound has been Katatonia, but as you listened to ex. Nickleback, and then again to Katatonia, you found that the Nickleback's production/"soundimage" (Swedish, ljudbild = soundimage :D) was better suited for your project?

My advice is still to check out SSD, listen to the clips on Slate's site..
"Radio Rock Kit" or something like that would probably be a good starting point..
Or get some free samples here on UM and play around with them, run them through a limiter, EQ, compressor, ampsim, reverb, pitchshifter, chorus, wha'evva..
And then add those samples to the mix..
Are you using Google Translator, another software translating tool, or do you encounter problems expressing yourself in English? Because I feel like a lot of the rage here in this thread comes from the general misunderstanding of your posts. English isn't my mother tongue, but I think I can write it and even more understand it pretty well, and I'm sorry to tell you that I don't understand half of what you're trying to say. And with your interventions, I feel like even what I understood wasn't exactly what you meant...
Are you using Google Translator, another software translating tool, or do you encounter problems expressing yourself in English? Because I feel like a lot of the rage here in this thread comes from the general misunderstanding of your posts. English isn't my mother tongue, but I think I can write it and even more understand it pretty well, and I'm sorry to tell you that I don't understand half of what you're trying to say. And with your interventions, I feel like even what I understood wasn't exactly what you meant...

I appreciate that, its what we brits call a mood swing. To call it rage is a bit over the top, Rage I associate with burning down buildings, punching someones face in.... etc

Im a bit pissed of but lets not go too far here.
I appreciate that, its what we brits call a mood swing. To call it rage is a bit over the top, Rage I associate with burning down buildings, punching someones face in.... etc

Im a bit pissed of but lets not go too far here.

Well, dude..
Many have written, trying to help you, including me (twice!)
And all you say is that you're pissed of(f)

You say you're british but it is really hard to understand you.

Last advice I'll give:
The source is where it's at.. It won't sound Nickelback, unless you record Nickelback. Check out their cd, call or write the producer/engineer and ask how you can get their sound..