Superior Metal from The Netherlands


Gr1m R34p0r
Aug 13, 2005

What the fuck? Why is all the great melodic stuff from Scandinavia??
I mean, I'm from The Netherlands, which is also concidered the north of Europe, but theres no REALLY good dutch metal act. Or tell me a band i don't know! Maybe it's time for us dutchies to play more fuckin metal, instead of listening to Tiesto techno & co.

Ur Thoughts?
BloodyScalpel said:
Stop whining, I'm the only metal musician in a radius of 20km :p

Hahah basically the same here man!
But I'm moving to Rotterdam next year....maybe better luck there.....(I hope)
We have Porn from Spai...errrrrm Born from Pain....:cry:

Lemme see......Eddy van Halen was originally Dutch....

We have......nope, we have fuck all.