Superjoint Ritual


Aug 29, 2005
How well are Superjoint Ritual liked here in this community? I seldom see anyone mention them, maybe there's a reason for that?
Down is the better band.SJR could be better if they had better production,better songwriting,better musicanship,better everything basically.I think phil was a little too messed up on the pills to make SJR sound any good.IMO

a Rick Rubin produced SJR abum could be interesting but its probably not gonna happen.Also I just listened to the new hank williams III album today.that album kicks ass!!!
I prefer Superjoint over Down, Use Once And Destroy fucking crushes.

But I prefer Pantera over them both :)
I don't know if they're good or not (though I really doubt it) however I do know that a lot of their fans are really fucking stupid (i.e. the many I've met in real life). I hate Pantera anyways so it probably ain't my cup of tea.
I really, really don't like SJR. I can't stand hardcore stuff, and given that SJR have that harcore influence, that may have something to do with it. DOWN is by far the better band, and indeed the best band to have featured PA.
Carcassian said:
I really, really don't like SJR. I can't stand hardcore stuff, and given that SJR have that harcore influence, that may have something to do with it. DOWN is by far the better band, and indeed the best band to have featured PA.
paddy thinks the same as
SJR is supposed to sound crusty and like shit (ie Darkthrone and others like)... :lol:

I wonder if anything is happening in that camp... I haven't heard a peep from Phil since seeing the depressing, sad video he made in regards to Dime.

"This is the last you'll hear from me for a long, long time...."

Guess he meant it....
I'm surprised at some of your responses, I didn't really think anyone here would like them. I have A Lethal Dose of American Hatred but I don't really listen to it, the last time I did was probably the first week I bought it which was almost two years ago. I can't say I enjoy them that much.