
so yesterday I was off work and I was getting dressed when I realized it was FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH.

rationally I knew it was just another day but I felt funny (not least because I had woken up after a dream where I was bleeding to death in the company of two of the girls from the Nevermore board), and was thinking, man, let me just run my errands and get home safely.

so I:
jumped on I-70 and cruised the area where the Columbus Tard Sniper had been

had to jump into another lane onto 256 and used the bulk of the 83 Grand Marquis to force wimpy japanese cars to give way

spent 147$ on Deep Space Nine's Season 3 DVD set

looked at two diff. places and found no Cerberus Shoal stuff, not that I expected to

got an PM from a guy here in Columbus who is going to send emails to the Wexner Center urging them to take you guys on

finally got home, read some of the newest Lee Child novel while swilling brau, ordered pizza for the wife, a stromboli for my son, and a sub for me. Did not answer the delivery man in the nude.

I survived Friday the 13th, wooo!