

guitar deity
Jul 31, 2002
New England
both my neck and back are killing me from the gigs this weekend

colleen from cerberus shoal gave me a copy of a solo project cd she did which is amazing

i smoked weed last night for the first time since i freaked out and woke up with a bible a year or so ago.

i almost freaked out again while i was trying to go to sleep because the people whose house i stayed at told me there were ghosts in the house. i thought i saw something or felt something chillmy arms but i realized it was probably the weed fucking with me.

i hate having volume problems with my amp because it fucks with my concentration on playing.
yeah, when i DO bug out on weed, it's always either social nervousness or "the police are coming/the guy behind the counter knows i'm high" freakitude. never cool stuff involving ghosts!
also i really like going to a show and getting FREE FOOD. there was rice and this weird spinach cream and potato thing that was phenomenal.

and i had breakfast today at the new britain diner and it was super delicious.
I get SERIOUS paranoia attacks with w33d. that's why I don't smoke anymore either. I literally can't function - all I can do is hide in bed and try to fall asleep.
xfer said:
haha "woke up with a bible"?
yeah this one time my friend steve's ex-gf brought over weed to our apt. in providence and it made me and steve flip out SO bad and i remember laying in bed and calling byron for help and the conversation was cutting in and cutting out like i was passing out for one second and then coming to, etc.

and anyway i felt like i was dying and so i grabbed the bible that i keep in my bedside table and i woke up in the morning still clutching it.
i am highly suspicious that there was another substance in that particular weed we smoked though because all the other times i have gotten high that has NEVER happened to me. and even the little bit i was freaking out last night was nothing compared to what i felt that last time.
it can give you strength. so can a teddy bear.

I went to a birthday party and someone produced some black hashhish but did not tell anyone it was laced with opium. I staggered into my gf Kelly's bedroom and collapsed on the bed and then she came in and did the same. we felt like we were in total body casts for about four hours, it was the WORST FEELING EVER.