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"Fear the man"
Apr 22, 2002
Teamsters Union Files Suit to Stop Mexican Trucks

The Teamsters Union has filed a law suit against the Transportation Department in an effort to stop a pilot project that would allow Mexican trucks full access to U.S. Highways. The suit centers around the Bush administration's failure to give any type of advanced, published notice of the plan, or any chance for public discourse and debate before in goes into effect. Teamsters president Jim Hoffa said, “Tens of thousands of unregulated, unsafe Mexican trucks will flow unchecked-- a very real threat to the safety of our highways, homeland security, and good paying American jobs.”

Under NAFTA, Mexican trucks should have already been granted access to the U.S., but for close to a decade the Teamsters have been fighting hard against it. In his own words, Jim Hoffa calls NAFTA an “unqualified disaster.” He attributes NAFTA to huge trade deficits and the loss of 3 million manufacturing jobs.

The Mexican trucking industry does not have the same U.S. Standards, and some of their truckers are often pushed to drive long hours by their employers. Speaking of the plan to allow Mexican truckers on U.S. Highways, Hoffa explained, “This reckless pilot program must be stopped and the driving public protected.” There really is no accurate way to know if all Mexican truckers are well trained, safe drivers, or if their trucks meet U.S. safety regulations. Hoffa said this plan amounts to a “game of Russian Roulette on America's highways.”

Mexico has very limited enforceable safety requirements and inspection program for their trucks. There is nothing to suggest that U.S. safety inspectors will be able to consistently inspect all Mexican trucks coming across the border. Teamsters Union spokesman Galen Munroe stated, “It is a real concern of ours from a safety standpoint and frankly from a security standpoint. We do not know what is coming over the borders. They claim they are going to look at each truck and inspect each truck, but they try and do that now and they can not even do ten percent of the trucks that come over the border.” This program, besides its safety concerns, also has the potential to lead to increased illegal immigration and drug smuggling.

There is an effort by some in congress to halt this pilot project until American trucks are allowed full access to Mexico and until safety requirements are met. Teamsters spokesperson Leslie Miller said, “The Department of Transportation can't enforce truck safety in the United States, let alone at the southern border.” What is even more ridiculous is the plan to allow some of these Mexican trucks across the border in as little as 15 seconds. This poses a danger as truckers with criminal histories and traffic convictions could gain access to the U.S. as Mexico has no reliable database.

Teamsters and its president Jim Hoffa have also acknowledged the proposed plans for the construction of a NAFTA Superhighway. Hoffa said, “In fact Bush is quietly moving forward with plans to build the massive network of highways from the Mexican border north through Detroit into Canada that would make cross-border trucking effortless.” He also said that the superhighway would, “allow global conglomerates to capitalize by exploiting cheap labor and non-existent work rules and avoiding potential security enhancements at U.S. Ports.”

In the past, the Teamsters have at times been hypocritical, speaking out of both sides of their mouths, but I do commend them in their fight to try and stop this Mexican truck program. Quite honestly, if we are going to prevail, we need all the help we can get.
Ok, I hate it when stupid inane points are tacked on to perfectly valid point such as this. Trucks from Mexico that are not inspected are dangerous. That's enough of a fucking point without pointing out bullshit like 3 million jobs being lost because of outsourcing or all that bullshit... Seriously, 3 million jobs up in smoke? Really? You mean there are 3 million more people on the unemployment rolls? Ha, how weak we Americans are 'eh? Fucking hell, I just watched a Vietnam War video, one of those old CBS broadcasts, anyway, the kid that takes charge, wants to see the situation to take out this sniper ends up getting his legs torn apart off a mine, well, that cigar he was smoking when he was talking about the mission beforehand was the same one he was smoking when he was on the stretcher, smoked it the same, talked the same way, but his fucking legs are blown. I figure this kid might have some morphine in his system, maybe he can handle to pain, but the medic tells him it'll take about 15 minutes for the morphine to kick in. Holy fucking crap. That kid's talking the same, saying things not in the whiny bitchy way people complain when their boss knocks 'em down a notch, no, he's talking about the mission at hand, the war that needs to be won, all that, but fucking-A, that kid has his legs in a bind. Total fucking bravery. I don't think we as a people have anything near this sort of thought process, selflessness...
Yeah, off my point, sorry bout the blithering, but crap, stick to the point people! Throwing out useless points that are nothing but baseless shit is idiotic. Why give so many reasons NOT to agree? Give them one good thing they (opposing people) cannot refute, and they have no legs to stand on, give 'em the usual bullshit they can fight off, and the main point is fucked up beyond recognition and forgotten... Having Mexican trucks crossing the border with a 15 second inspection is absofuckinglutely retarded. I wonder how many terrorists wish this could pass through? This should be the only point expounded upon at all. This point is the only important one, why the fuck is it buried in that bullshit article halfway down and forgotten? We are basically openning our legs to a great big fuck from every damn person who wishes to screw the shit out of this country... We don't really give a shit if drivers are "well trained in safety protocol" or other such BS, this is not the issue, the issue is safety of our nation being threatened. I wonder how many terrorists can be stuffed in a hidden compartment and let through because of this grand 15 second inspection that has the inspectors kicking the tires and asking the driver if he's got any foreing plants or animals...
Aha, I was actually on a writing binge, finished up a decent paper this morning, lots more decent than what I wrote last night (earlier this morning?)...

Anyway, I guess I should restate my point a bit more clearly, what's the deal with tacking on these idiotic lines of reasoning to things like this? I mean, do we really need to water down the important points, like homeland security, with irrelevant bullshit like the fact that Mexican drivers might not know how to drive on our roads?
Aha, I was actually on a writing binge, finished up a decent paper this morning, lots more decent than what I wrote last night (earlier this morning?)...

Anyway, I guess I should restate my point a bit more clearly, what's the deal with tacking on these idiotic lines of reasoning to things like this? I mean, do we really need to water down the important points, like homeland security, with irrelevant bullshit like the fact that Mexican drivers might not know how to drive on our roads?

Agreed- But take it easy on the coffee.. I felt your fingers pounding the keyboard all the way down here in AUStin TX
This is one time im in agreement with the teamsters. The macarthur maze bridge collaspe in SF should serve as a warning.

Im sure mexican trucks are NOT nearly as maintained as US ones, same goes with their drivers.
I agree, nothing that is "hencho en mexico" or used by our southern neighbors meets and US standards for safety. I could never understand this to begin with, it really does nothing to help out our economy, its main beneficiary is mexico. AND the mexican border and our attitude towards mexicans comings and goings in our country is a HUGE security risk.