Support the Underground - EXIT TO ETERNITY

markgugs said:
I love late night coffee. Caffeine takes roughly 4-5 hours to process its way through your bloodstream anyway, so it's all myth that caffeine late at night is going to keep you awake.
Our msssiah has spoken, the true leader of GUGSWAY...this shall be our first testament to man...speak you fool just carry on speaking.
Ayeka said:
Can't find anything about Damon Morder on RC and their mp3s page seems to be down :err:
Heh, yeah I keep forgetting to add the 21 reviews we have for unsigned artists into our regular A-Z index. One day I'll get round to it. In the meantime, from our review index, click on "Unsung Heroes" and there's a bunch of stuff in there including Damon Morder.
Have Erik and Sorath checked out Exit to Eternity yet? You two fuckers would eat this shit up, THRASH METAL TERROR!!!!!!!111111111-style.