Suprising number of australians on this site!

#1australian anthrax fan

out of sight out of mind
Apr 7, 2005
newcastle, Australia
Thanx all you aussies on here, im proud to live here. There are so many metal fans down here. How good was last years anthrax killswitch and soilwork show!!
I personally told scott ian last year to keep coming back and he said they will....and guess what..they are!!!!!!!!!! and even better, with classic line-up!
Rock on aussie anthrax fans!!
Yeah the Melb show 2004 was brilliant. We managed to get right up the front, (coming from Perth we didnt want to be any where else ) gotta say, met some really cool people too - it was such a buzz. Every one just looked out for everyone else in the mosh. Cheers.
At the Sydney gig last year they said they'd be back this year 7 I didn't really beleive them because so many bands say that & never come back but I was hoping & the boys came through
Yep they tore up Adelaide ... was very impressed with KSE ... Soilworx bored me but I am sure thats coz I was too busy gasbagging to all my mates near the bar.

Anthrax totally destroyed though and considering they played on borrowed equipment it was even more special. John held us in the palm on his hand and I really loved the way he talked to us and involved us... Rob was too busy trying to get his guitar to work, Joey Vera was a menace, Scott was a bald pyscho and Charlie was Mr reliable on drums as always :)

So can't wait for Megadeth this weekend at QBH and then Thrax back in Adelaide next month. Oh and the bonus is Mortal Sin as well :)
thraxton hicks said:
Yeah the Melb show 2004 was brilliant. We managed to get right up the front, (coming from Perth we didnt want to be any where else ) gotta say, met some really cool people too - it was such a buzz. Every one just looked out for everyone else in the mosh. Cheers.

Classic, I travelled from Perth to the Melbourne gig and made it to the front row also, we were probably rubbing shoulders...
aliasp said:
Yep they tore up Adelaide ... was very impressed with KSE ... Soilworx bored me but I am sure thats coz I was too busy gasbagging to all my mates near the bar.

Anthrax totally destroyed though and considering they played on borrowed equipment it was even more special. John held us in the palm on his hand and I really loved the way he talked to us and involved us... Rob was too busy trying to get his guitar to work, Joey Vera was a menace, Scott was a bald pyscho and Charlie was Mr reliable on drums as always :)

So can't wait for Megadeth this weekend at QBH and then Thrax back in Adelaide next month. Oh and the bonus is Mortal Sin as well :)

Yer, you were gasbagging to us all (Powerslave is still better than Seventh Son too by the way) !! he he :)

I concure here with the Adelaide secanrio last year. Hopefully, this time Anthrax will turn up with their own equipment as well.

Last concert, I think by the time Rob got his guitar working, the show was almost over. I actually couldn't hear his guitar to be honest - he might of well of played a banjo !!!

Hopefully we can hear Dan's guitar this time.....

This time, I hope Heaven gets some decent security guys and not any morons who just want to belt the crap out of someone for the fun of it !!!!!!

I am taking the following day of work as well - I will need it to recover no doubt !!! Looking forward to Mortal Sin as well - havn't heard these guys for a while and it's great to see an Aussie band get a crack !!!!
Cyclonus said:
The Adelaide gig was intense.

Waiting outside for an hour and a half was shit.

Can't wait for the upcoming gig.

This time I am planning to get to heaven a little earlier - hopefully beat some of the traffic......
Yeah especially with Mortal Sin opening up - get there early.

I'll probably get straight off the plane from Melbourne after seeing them at the Palace the night before and go straight to Heaven, hahaha.

And yeah guys - I too was at the bar last year during Soilworks set.

Aliasp - see you for drinks from Andy (Mortal Sin) between sets!!!!!
ThraxSA - Seventh Son is great and you know it :) HAHAHAHA! :headbang:

Yes this time my friend we will get there early and miss the long queue. I missed Embodiement actually last year which was annoying.

Can already hear the Blues bros intro then the opening chords from ATL ... Dum de dummmmmm ... Dum de dummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.


Gonna be interesting to see what Set list they do.
We should sleep out the font of Heaven the night before.

Then again it is in the Bronx of Adelaide ......hmmm ...maybe not :)
timmyc said:
Yeah especially with Mortal Sin opening up - get there early.

I'll probably get straight off the plane from Melbourne after seeing them at the Palace the night before and go straight to Heaven, hahaha.

And yeah guys - I too was at the bar last year during Soilworks set.

Aliasp - see you for drinks from Andy (Mortal Sin) between sets!!!!!

I probably spoke to you then... I was at the bar when Soilworks played and was with Aliasp at the time...

We will have to chat between acts this time mind you, Mortal Sin will be killer..don't want to miss any of that one either :headbang:
I was at the bar where the t-shirt stand was - not the bar at the back, if that makes any difference. Anyways, see ya there!
Loads of people from SA here - cheers. Wierd, my husband and I (gee I cant read that without thinking of the queen) were talking about moving there. Seems like you guys always get the same shows as the east coast but not the huge crowds. Is that right?

Melb friends visited Adelaide and they said it was pretty cool and laid back.
We really liked the place (except for my relies) There is a fish and chip shop close to the city,that sells the battered deep fried Mars or Snickers bar. Exquisite local culinary delight that one. I especially liked the faint after taste of tallow and fish, as I am sure they used the same batter for both. Is that place still around?
thraxton hicks said:
Loads of people from SA here - cheers. Wierd, my husband and I (gee I cant read that without thinking of the queen) were talking about moving there. Seems like you guys always get the same shows as the east coast but not the huge crowds. Is that right?

You're mistaken about us getting the same shows as the east coast - sadly we miss a shitload of shows that are played in Brisbane, Syd and Melb - BUT we do get a lot more than Perth admittedly.