Surfin' M.O.D. one of the worst albums EVER!

Feb 11, 2002
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How do you explain that you fat stool? If your so freaking great why do your solo albums suck? You would be nowhere without S.O.D, but Charlie and Scott would still have anthrax. So go down to the local BP and fill out an application because without Scott and Charlie you got nothing.

Of course this is assuming Mr.Mosh= Milano.
Cincy vigilante i dont know what your problem is but, i have bought you a razorblad now, and i want you to use it to slit up your wrist´s.

aren´t you hungry
livin´ in the city
theme song

If you think thoes songs suck, i´ll guess you listen to creed.

i hope M.O.D vill make a new good record, now when anthrax sucks and all
Originally posted by stalker138
aren´t you hungry
livin´ in the city
theme song

If you think thoes songs suck, i´ll guess you listen to creed.

i hope M.O.D vill make a new good record, now when anthrax sucks and all

livin in the city is a cover and technically, aren't you hungry is too... wow. that's leaves us with two orignal M.O.D. songs to choose from.
Hey, "Gross Misconduct" is a great album, and the first ain't too bad either. "Surfin' MOD is hilarious! "No Glove No Love," "E-Factor" stand out the most for me. Who cares if Milano talks shit about 'Thrax, there are more important things to worry about (India/Pakistan Nuclear War being a BIG one).
Andythrax is right. I dig M.O.D. I was listening to "Surfin M.O.D." the other day. It is great!
I love the way billy does "Color My World".
I've really grown bored with this entire subject. The only thing that really matters is that Anthrax has a new album coming out this fall while the only thing Billy gives us is Vanilla Ice. Maybe Billy could take a page from Lilker's book and actually produce some material than maybe his opinion might carry a little weight (no pun intended). It would be different if he had anything intelligent to add to the conversation, but he doesn't so the whole thing just grows tedious. So Billy thinks I suck because I'm an Anthrax fan. It's a good thing he's not on my Top Ten People I Want To Impress list....

Ya know, I myself have been thinking of a response to all this Milano VS Scott/Charlie talk. I'm with many of you in the fact that I too have listened to M.O.D in the past. In fact, I also have copies of "Surfin M.O.D" and "Gross Misconduct". Not bad albums, but certainly not the best either. The only thing that really gets me is the mysterious MR. Mosh! If this is really Billy coming onto the board that is delivering a message like "fuck Anthrax, and fuck their fans"? Well, if it is, I',m sorry Mr. Milano if you feel that way! But just so you know there are certainly a handful of us Anthrax fans that actually have copies of your M.O.D albums and dissing us really wouldn't be considered favorable but I guess you gotta do what you gotta do! I myself have been trying to make a music career for myself for quite awhile and I just don't understand getting mad at a potential fan? My thought is that you should only care about whats important, and that is your fans, the people who actually give a dam! I'm sure that Mr. Milano has his reasons in this fight, as I myself have been in several bands over the years and it is certainly hard to maintain relationships with band members, especially in a band like S.O.D that only got together every once and awhile. But in final, I certainly enjoyed S.O.D Speak english or die, and Bigger than the devil as well as a couple of M.O.D albums. I wish you the best MR. Mosh, believe it or not! If MR. Mosh is just a Billy Milano enthusiast, thats ok too! You are certainly entitled to your opinion.

Forever a Anthrax fan!


Good takes Jeffasin and Auggie........lets put this one to rest. It actually has the potential to be more played out than the ever irritating "who's the better singer" threads. (psssssst, by the way, its John Bush........hands down!!! HeheHe!)

Horns Up !!!!!

***PS - The new Rush - "Vapor Trails" is excellent!!! Listened to it for two straight weeks. Good stuff once again from the ultimate pros.
Originally posted by Armored Thrax
Good takes Jeffasin and Auggie........lets put this one to rest. It actually has the potential to be more played out than the ever irritating "who's the better singer" threads. (psssssst, by the way, its John Bush........hands down!!! HeheHe!)

Horns Up !!!!!

***PS - The new Rush - "Vapor Trails" is excellent!!! Listened to it for two straight weeks. Good stuff once again from the ultimate pros.

Amen Brother Amored Thrax: Ashes to Ashes, dust to dust.

and yes,(Mr. Bush is the best), but I still love Joeys voice, and especially Neils!

I'll have to checkout the new Rush too, sounds like a good one!


Originally posted by Cincy Vigilante
Stalker, Arnt you hungry and aids are not on Surfin mod you fuck wad.

Maybe he was referring to your asswipe statement of M.O.D. being crap? And Surfing is not a "real" M.O.D. album, you shouldn't take it so serious.

mod are ok i think that devolution is there best album,the first track on that album is killer,as for there other albums they are not much chop.

I have more respect for boy bands that a man that would write the lines
"fuck the my pals charity and let them die of thirst"


aids is like a plague from God because he see's something wrong in his eyes.
or any like in that song

both of those songs sound to me like they were written by a nazi punk skinhead who is about 14 years old.
"Rhythm Of Fear" is their best album and was "Album Of The Month" in the german magazine "Metal Hammer" in 1992.
I like all their stuff and also "Surfin' M.O.D."
"Surfin' USA" by M.O.D. is much better than the Beach Boys' Original version. "Surfs Up" "Mr. Oofus" and "Party Animal" are great songs too, the best soundtrack for drinking and f***ing.
Rock N' Roll
>"Rhythm Of Fear" is their best album and was "Album Of The Month" in the german magazine "Metal Hammer" in 1992.

right on man, next album on my list to get