Attention Wu !!!!!!!!


Feb 7, 2002
DC area
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Fuck !!! I wish I would have known that there was going to be an S.O.D. DVD coming out. I guess maybe I should have done my homework. The reason why I'm saying this is, is because I just read on BlabberStuffaBigFatCockInYourMouth that the DVD has lots of fan footage. I have some crazy ass footage because I remember just buying my first camcorder and going all Japanist tourist with it. Remember Charlie??? It pissed you off at one point at a Thrax show but I remember at an SOD show, Billy Milano going ape shit at my friend that was working the camera. It also has some behind the kit close up action of Charlie NOT CHEATING on the drums. What else do I have??? Oh yeah, I have Scott and Milano sharing cigars. Giving Bush one and Bush not wanting to smoke it for performance reasons. Bush being a pig. Crook being a playa. Lilker getting blazed in the streets of Philly. V.O.D. running onstage during S.O.D. butt ass naked. Remember that band?

I remember these shows being the first ones that I've watched on the side of the stage as opposed to in the pit or in the crowd somewhere. Really cool to see Scott Ian close up without any distractions (drunk fucks, myself included).

Ok, that's all I have to say. Maybe I'll save this footage for the SOD/Anthrax 25 year retrospectives, 4 singers, 2 drummers, 4 bassists, and 5 guitarists (6 if you include Sabo) that all played together at some point in their careers, somewhere, in front of a crowd.