Surprises and disappointments


Dec 8, 2003
Well, this was probably the second greatest PP I've attended, second only to the legendary line-up of 2001 (which I probably remember this fondly due to mixed reasons of nostalgia--it having been my first PP--and relative cluelessness at the time: I got to discover Wolverine, Andromeda, Pain of Salvation, Into Eternity, and Zero Hour all during the same weekend. Talk about my mind being blown).

The one thing that was missing for me this time was an absolutely amazing discovery. Cilice were nice and the impression I had in the very beginning of their concert (crap) was quite reversed by the end (parc? I guess?), but there was just not enough awesome in their music yet to really call them a discovery. They were a pleasant opener, no more.

Now I've been debating for a long time, with myself, no less, whether or not to say this at all, but in the end I decided I had a reputation as an outspoken, impolite, rude asshole to defend, so here goes: Suspyre was the absolute disappointment of the festival. Wtf was that?

I drank with some of the Suspyre guys on Friday night, and they sounded friendly enough (even though they have miles to go to catch up with bands like Atrox when it comes to fan interaction--there was a moment with Atrox in the rain that involved, let me phrase it vaguely, penises). On the stage, however, what the hell was that?

Suspyre were positively unable to play their own material. The frequency of small, annoying mistakes was incredibly high, and on top of that there were a couple of complete fuck-ups. It's hard to identify a worst offender. I guess I can say that their singer was probably the least bad. Calling him unimpressive and forgettable is probably a compliment compared to the rest.

Seriously, what was that? Their material isn't very complicated--certainly not compared to Cynic or Zero Hour, who seemed to be able to play their own stuff flawlessly hanging upside-down in a pit of ACID SPITTING SCORPIONS.

But it wasn't just the technically bad performances and the horrible sound, the song selection was equally puzzling. Why select your more boring songs when you have so many amazing songs? Why play songs from that first album at all?

No point to go on and on about this, but Suspyre were the one band this year that came nowhere near my expectations.

As for surprises then, Wolverine ruled during both sets, but I guess the biggest surprise for me was just HOW MUCH energy they managed to infuse the new set with. They were for me the highlight of Sunday, and had it not been for the legendary Cynic concert probably the highlight of the weekend. I'd say they were on par with Cynic, purely enjoyment-wise, with the difference that I did expect Cynic to blow me away like they did.

As for non-surprises, finally, Zero Hour played yet another fucking rock-solid, can't-believe-they're-not-robots-from-outer-space gigs, with Chris delivering even better renditions of Eric's old material than he had at Headway '07. Also worth mentioning: Mike destroyed like three sticks during the gig and always managed to get back into the song flawlessly. Try to clap along to a ZH song some time and you'll see what an impossible job that man has.

Atrox were great too, but I really have to get used to the thought that they're not the same band that made Terrestrials and Orgasm anymore. And of course they're now my favourite Norwegians IN THE WORLD. (Sorry, Jostein Gaarder)
What can I say... Couldn't agree more (maybe except the Wolverine, which I've missed, because of drinking insanity session with, ha ha, Atrox :)

I really enjoyed Threshold too. Cilice sucked. :) That was the disappointment to me (wasn't looking forward to Suspyre anyway).

And Zero Hour; I saw them live for the first time, and even if I am not a big fan of Salinas's vocals - man, they rock. :)

Excuse me for my English, it sucks today, just like Cilice did.
For me, Wolverine were awesome and kings of this years show. Unlike some bands, they just don't need to scream at the audience to show devil horns or jump around, they let their music and fantastic set list do the talking for them. For me, it was almost a floydesque moment!! A very close second was Threshold with a fantastic set list and a performance of pure brilliance by Damien.
I agree that Zero Hour were fantastic and I also really enjoyed Pathosray. Surprise bands for me were Atrox (an amazing band and amazing character) Sun Caged and the Aurora Project which I really enjoyed.

I will probably be shot but my disappointments; Cynic, Alarum, Cilice and Suspyre (agree with Bringa's points there).
At the end of the day, the above disappointments were expected (apart from Suspyre) because I had already listened to the albums and were not overly impressed. But, that's the great thing about Progpower, you can take that time to go for a beer and chill out.

Prog metal covers a wide range of styles and Progpower puts a show on for all lovers of prog.
I have to say that I disagree with your opinions about Suspyre. I was expecting that that couldn't transfer the quality of their studio albums 1:1 on stage - with all the orchestration and stuff. My only complaint would be that they should have chosen the more progressive stuff of their albums. Besides that, I thought they did really, really well for such a young band with not too much stage experience. April was quite new and the drummer was hired. I honestly enjoyed the gig a lot - and hanging out a bit with Clay, Andrew and April later. Great guys - hopefully with a bright future, as they definitely have the potential. I don't care for a few mistakes. But to each his own.

I agree with the highlights Bringa posted, apart from Wolverine, cos their later stuff just doesn't do it for me as much as their earlier stuff. Thats a difference in tastes. I didn't see Cilice, though I wish I had. And Atrox was alright, but most of that was due to stage performance, rather than great music (imo). Cynic just disappointed me. Not the way they played their music or anything like that, but the utterly uninspiring stage presence.

I couldn't disagree more with Bringa about Suspyre though. After listening to their new album a number of times, I agree their setlist could've used some of their later, more proggy material, but apart from that I had a blast watching them. You say their stage performance was lacking, me and my friends up front had a blast interacting with the guys on stage. On top of that the fact that they had material trouble, being unable to use their own equipment apart from their instruments, which led up to minor annoyances for themselves. And the fact that this was their very first performance outside of the US, not knowing what kind of a crowd to expect (I've been to the US, crowds are VERY different overthere in the way they react. It even varies from country to country in Europe itself.)

All things considered, I still put Suspyre as my #2 act of the festival, only bettered by Threshold with Damian. But thats the fun thing about Prog, like was mentioned above, when you don't like something you can just go for a stroll, go have a beer, or just have dinner early/late. We still all had a blast at the festival, even though we disagree on some of the bands. Bringa with some people think Suspyre sucked, some of us others think they rocked, and many more are in the middle. What matters was that this was another awesome festival and everyone went back home satisfied.
I'll say this even though I'm aware it's a Prog festival and the more hardcore Prog fans will likely disagree :p My surprise was that despite the awesomeness of the bands they became predictable after the 6th or 7th show. Highly technical and skilled does not necessarily mean interesting after three days!! In past years I thought there were more unique sounding bands mixed in with the highly technical ones which brought better balance to the festival.

For me, the powerish sound of Suspyre was a breath of fresh air despite any problems they had. It would have been really cool to have had the sax mixed in as well. Wolverine was also refreshing to listen to.

Next year I would love to hear some more variation: a band that has a female vocalist, folk or traditional sounds mixed into metal, a band that can bring a mix of instruments to the festival, a prog-rock band, etc.
Highly technical and skilled does not necessarily mean interesting after three days!!

Ditto! I am a bit bored of all the bands where musicians are just masturbating with instruments... I'd really love to see some really progressive stuff next year; bands experimenting, searching for something new... I am sure I will. ;)

This prog-power-metal-ish genre is dusty and rusty; and it should go on the shelf or be played on more traditional fest, I think. Although, I do understand that it must be there for purely marketing/economical reasons.
So which of the bands that played this year qualify as masturbation, Wojtek?

Pathosray and Suspyre. And Pagan's Mind of course. Blah. :) Well, maybe not all of them were equally "masturbation-ish", but the syndrome is the same: get the pot full of power metal and pour some squeezed balls on it. :)
Hi Wojtekk, Tony here. Hope your train got you home in good time. Shame about the delayed Eurostar but what can you do. I have been reading your reviews on Metal Team UK and they had me in fits, as did the above. Tell it like it is my friend lol. I loved this year in all honesty but agree with Kirsty that it would be great to look a little further afield and maybe introduce a some unusual prog styles like folk/celtic/viking rock prog. I know viking might be raise a few eyebrows as they have their own genre but I love bands like Tyr who could really perform a great show. Would definitely be cool.
I have to say that there wasn't any huge suprises or disapointemnts this year, because the music isn't the main reason for me at prog power.
of course seeing Damian perform live was like a wet dream come true, as well as hearing one of my all time favourite songs live (wolverine "Again?").

...on the other hand, I'm afraid to say that the poor sounds this year made it impossible for me to find anything new, as I didn't know many of the bands from before.
But I did enjoy Suspyre, though I haven't heard them before, but because of the people in the band thay actually made a very nice impression on me and when I listened to their cd's the music isn't too bad either.

but I don't really mind, because the atmoshpere and the people are one of the main reasons I want to come again to prog power.
Yes, I want to hear the full version of Dragons and Metal from Just-In-Case as well because it was the song that got most stuck in my head over the weekend :headbang:

A good start would be to post the damn lyrics so when we break into singing it at home we can get it correct :p
The biggest suprise for me was 21 eyes of ruby. They gave me the same feeling like I had when I first saw Pain of Salvation (Whow! This sounds really new, fresh, unique!).

The biggest dissapointment for me was Cinic. Musically perfect, but no interaction with the crowd. Also, that "computer-voice-sound" gets really boring after two/three songs...
Ditto! I am a bit bored of all the bands where musicians are just masturbating with instruments... I'd really love to see some really progressive stuff next year; bands experimenting, searching for something new... I am sure I will. ;)
You haven't seen 21 eyes of ruby? I thought they were quite special in what they did.

This prog-power-metal-ish genre is dusty and rusty; and it should go on the shelf or be played on more traditional fest, I think. Although, I do understand that it must be there for purely marketing/economical reasons.
That's the whole point. Most of our visitors want to hear some classic prog metal in the Dream Theater/Symphony X vein. If you only book unknown experimental bands, you won't sell enough tickets for a next ProgPower. That's why we always try to create a line up that combines 'safety and experimen't'. But then again, whatever line up you come up with.. you can't satisfy everyone ;)

Anyway, hope you'll be there next year :kickass:
But then again, whatever line up you come up with.. you can't satisfy everyone ;) Anyway, hope you'll be there next year :kickass:

Dude - I will be there even for Britney Spears ;) We both know that music is just 50% of ProgPower, the rest is the atmosphere and the people :)

Just get me Akphezya there! :p