Susperia, why are you such a bitter cunt?!?!

Susperia's acceptence into RC was the exact moment it started to suck balls and that's not even an exaggeration. Their was a tremor in the force felt round the world and I knew I wouldn't be able to visit good 'ol RC and enjoy myself like in the olden-tymes. A shame, really.

So, you win Susperia. Thanks for ruining something that once kicked sonic amounts of Voltron-esque ass. That should be a good boost to your weird pseudo-self hating ego.
She's not the reason Ali up and left. The first avalanche occured when Lizard died, then the rest came tumbling down when Ali decided to go live his life. I hardly find her annoying, neither does Karen as far as I know. This whole thing with Susperia is like a scab, that Jerry ESPECIALLY likes to pick.

I still <3 my sibling though :p
Susperia's acceptence into RC was the exact moment it started to suck balls and that's not even an exaggeration. Their was a tremor in the force felt round the world and I knew I wouldn't be able to visit good 'ol RC and enjoy myself like in the olden-tymes. A shame, really.

So, you win Susperia. Thanks for ruining something that once kicked sonic amounts of Voltron-esque ass. That should be a good boost to your weird pseudo-self hating ego.

You need therapy. :|
I think the thread's hilarious. Negating someones posts because of the past is pretty dumb or even if you just don't like them. I honestly don't mind Susperia even though she doesn't like me too much. :kickass: Post on my nigga. Post on. :kickass: I don't even think Jerry cares. Regardless, his tangents are beautiful. Don't take them personally, just consider them butterflies. Metaphorical butterflies from the depths of his colon.
Too many people bitch and moan about everything going downhill without doing anything about it, tbh.

And the pot calling the kettle black doesn't mean that the kettle doesn't need therapy.
whats your recipe?

i make cheap guac with 2 avacados, some miracle whip, lemon pepper, and pico de gallo
The hair, the nose, the AA cup bosom. This picture came with Erik's vow of authenticity. Taken during one of her unveilings outside the Camden Art Center in South Central Hartford.

Lol that looks like Paris Hilton you turd.

p.s. I don't have a tan nor have I ever.

p.p.s That's an A cup, an AA is mosquito bites. An AAA is flat as a board. I'm a B. B's are like little hills on your chest.