Susperia, why are you such a bitter cunt?!?!

As you all may have noticed, I've been holding da h8in back, but this here above is a really really really gay comment and I hope it dies.

btw demilich, I've been reeeeeally close to sending your stuff quite a few times now, you'll be included in my next big mail run! Honest!

Shit in his stuff, THEN send it.
I like to complement people when they do a good job of something. Same as when I told MFJ, Erik, Mike, etc. that they make ace music, tell Swizzlenuts his beard kicks ass, offer praise for your extended laugh-inducing rants of colourful linguistic acrobatics, and so forth.

I think my beard kicksass too, tbh.
Hmmmm... That's a rhetorical question.

PS: Your beard still sucks Krig's balls though...
and even dumber to think this place will ever be as entertaining as it was when lizard, erik, ali, max, [insert favorite defunct rc member] were here.

Agreed. To be like one of those folks requires them to spend countless hours on here. I'm pretty sure lizard just had a live link on his desktop at work all day, five days a week. Not many people have any interest in doing that - at least not people who are genuinely funny. So, until this forum attracts some new blood.....:erk:
bout goddamn time :kickass:

but seriously mike, what does tully do other than whine about Susperia and cry that we don't "understand" his devotion to serving in the armed forces for a tyrannical despotic government?
Tully's a kool kid, nuff said.

Shit in his stuff, THEN send it.

I think being ~2 years late with sending it is bad enough
Agreed. To be like one of those folks requires them to spend countless hours on here. I'm pretty sure lizard just had a live link on his desktop at work all day, five days a week. Not many people have any interest in doing that - at least not people who are genuinely funny. So, until this forum attracts some new blood.....:erk:

and then he got a palm pilot or blackberry or whatever you call those robot companions from the future and posted often from that. DEDICATION

TO RICK BRASKY :kickass:
Rick would often post from his perch high upon the shitter with that Blackberry future-communicator.

Speaking of Opeth, I tried some Blackwater Park on my new system and certain bass notes get lost in the kick drum. Anyone know some set-up tricks to avoid this? I'm using the appropriate low- and high-pass filters and all that but some notes I heard on my shit stock system are just plain missing from this high-end crap.
This should teach me not to bother anymore with anything. I give up.

the fact you're looking for bass in a metal album proves your failure.

Tell, how's Anders doing? How old is he by now? Got him into the basic stuff already (Slayer, Bathory?)
Rick would often post from his perch high upon the shitter with that Blackberry future-communicator.

Speaking of Opeth, I tried some Blackwater Park on my new system and certain bass notes get lost in the kick drum. Anyone know some set-up tricks to avoid this? I'm using the appropriate low- and high-pass filters and all that but some notes I heard on my shit stock system are just plain missing from this high-end crap.
This should teach me not to bother anymore with anything. I give up.


Fiddle with EQ settings. Probably it's set to boost low frequencies for the subwoofer, and then there's some upper low frequency or middle frequency that's being cut which stands out in that recording. That's my answer based on a lack of actual audio knowledge.
the fact you're looking for bass in a metal album proves your failure.

Tell, how's Anders doing? How old is he by now? Got him into the basic stuff already (Slayer, Bathory?)

Martin plays a J-bass and (up until recently) Opeth has always had a good bass mix - it should sound really good on a nice system, that's why it was the second album I tried after I tested the kick drum sound with a Cryptopsy album - that's my favorite kick drum sound.

Anders is doing well. He was headbanging to Pantera the other day. Thanks for asking.
Oh, you do realize I'm talking about a car stereo system right?
That thread is interesting, regardless