Susperia, why are you such a bitter cunt?!?!

Oh yeah, does the ignore function still suck ass on UM? I haven't used it for years but when I tried it out all it did was draw attention to the posts of those you were attempting to unsee.

I'm so tolerant these days I even turned signatures back on. :dopey: [/MLK, Jr.]

In US law you could as you aren't a public figure. As long as she doesn't have some sort of written permission to sell it from you (which obviously is a no), then yeah, you could take legal action.

Of course, I'm not a lawyer. BUT I have read about shit like this before.
Uh, I think the height of the Suspiria heyday occurred during one of my long sabbaticals from RC. I almost hate I missed it. 2007 was a weird year.

...but that Erik painting might be the CREEPIEST THING I'VE EVER SEEN.
Hahaha, she is a good artist

edit: also, how much of a whiny litigious little bitch would you have to be to try to take legal action over the sale of that painting? Sure its a little creepy, but grow the fuck up!
edit: also, how much of a whiny litigious little bitch would you have to be to try to take legal action over the sale of that painting? Sure its a little creepy, but grow the fuck up!
i was totally going to go through with it man

totally going to go through with it <-- i was going to do this. totally.

edit: was seriously asking for actual legal advice on royal carnage forum. just wanted to clarify. really want to sue this bitch into oblivion for wronging me. im just that litigious. as i have shown time and time again during my numerous lawsuit-related posts and lawsuits on this forum. i just keep litigatin.
though (not fakeposting here) i think the right thing to do would be to DONATE THIS PAINTING TO ME FOR $ZERO DOLLARS$

if youre listening susperia i will take the risk to literally give you my real home address if you promise to SEND THE PAINTING TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER (THE LIKENESS PORTRAYED BY SAID PAINTING (ME))
i don't know what i'd do with it, i'd hang on to it for sure but hanging it anywhere seems creepy as hell, almost as creepy as the fact that the painting exists to begin with

that said it seems to me that if ANYONE is going to own that painting, it had better be me
i was totally going to go through with it man

totally going to go through with it <-- i was going to do this. totally.

edit: was seriously asking for actual legal advice on royal carnage forum. just wanted to clarify. really want to sue this bitch into oblivion for wronging me. im just that litigious. as i have shown time and time again during my numerous lawsuit-related posts and lawsuits on this forum. i just keep litigatin.

itt: supreme douchebag takes slanderous speculative post way too seriously, underscoring his utter lack of worth
The absence of Erik's right arm is an indicative of him taking a painting of himself!
Hate to be the one to state the obvious, but: someone here needs to play cupid between her and Plastic Knapsack.
itt: supreme douchebag takes slanderous speculative post way too seriously, underscoring his utter lack of worth

oh so you go around calling people whiny little bitches for nothing, yet i'm the worthless douchebag. i see how this works.

The absence of Erik's right arm is an indicative of him taking a painting of himself!

i bet susperia painted that picture all with her left hand as well






