Susperia, why are you such a bitter cunt?!?!

what would be even creepier is if a complete stranger buys it and it will just exist ... out "there"
what would be even creepier is if a complete stranger buys it and it will just exist ... out "there"

fortunately no one is going to spend 800 dollars on MDF board with a picture of a guy with a primordial shirt

i mean i have pretty good cheekbones but still, 800 big ones
though (not fakeposting here) i think the right thing to do would be to DONATE THIS PAINTING TO ME FOR DOLLARS$

if youre listening susperia i will take the risk to literally give you my real home address if you promise to SEND THE PAINTING TO ITS RIGHTFUL OWNER (THE LIKENESS PORTRAYED BY SAID PAINTING (ME))

The clever thing to do if this was accepted would be to a) ship it to some remote island off the coast of Australia or b) give her my address or that of the Beng or something.

Also, for the record, if something even close to this degree of creepy stalkerism happened to me I'd go legal on its ass.
imagine what Fabio must go through in his daily life ... its not easy being easy on the eyes :loco:
thats... brr

i had a girl (whom i had never met before, and who also had a boyfriend. i also have a girlfriend so don't get any ideas.) comment on my cheekbones and supposedly pretty facial structure just this friday. she was basically like "hey wanna fuck." well not literally but essentially that was the gist of it.

so. cheekbones. i got em.





I am in exactly 2 months

She owns the copyright to the actual painting, but she cannot sell it/show it in public without your consent (according to Norwegian law, and most European countries as well). I'm pretty sure the same rules apply in the USA.

This is beyond ridiculous, I'm lolling pretty hard now. Strong stalker.

I'd drop her a Myspace message and threaten to take legal action if I were you. I'll represent you, if you like :lol:


itt: supreme douchebag takes slanderous speculative post way too seriously, underscoring his utter lack of worth

When the hell did you turn into a complete asshole, man? :lol:
If she really wants to unload this she should enclose it in a wooden box and throw some ashes in there. Perhaps Erik can offer a patch full from a recent Umea BBQ?
hahahahahahahaha oh man this thread is awesome

Susperia is on FB, btw. She keeps popping up as a friend suggestion.
I wonder if someday she'll put that painting on eBay.

I would totally bid on it, if free shipping were involved.