Susperia, why are you such a bitter cunt?!?!

whats your recipe?

i make cheap guac with 2 avacados, some miracle whip, lemon pepper, and pico de gallo

I generally use whatever is in the fridge and looks South Americany (tomatos, peppers, lime...). And avocados of course. And I always include lots of freshly ground pepper and salt. And onions. ETC. =]
WOW! I am drunk and this forum is no longer entertaining I really do quit this time. Peace out you lame ass motherfuckers (that doesn't apply to cool folk).

See you in 9 months maybe when I get back. Tah-tah.

Wow, I hope Tully stays gone. All he does is bitch and moan.

Susperia on the other hand is a cool kid

As you all may have noticed, I've been holding da h8in back, but this here above is a really really really gay comment and I hope it dies.

btw demilich, I've been reeeeeally close to sending your stuff quite a few times now, you'll be included in my next big mail run! Honest!
bout goddamn time :kickass:

but seriously mike, what does tully do other than whine about Susperia and cry that we don't "understand" his devotion to serving in the armed forces for a tyrannical despotic government?
Was awesome once, of course, but I haven't seen it in a long-ass time.

And of all the people to make a quip like that about me trying to get into Susperia's pants... :loco:
Are you implying that I'm attempting some grammar school tactics in hopes of scoring some Hartford huddah?! If so, you have never been farther off point. Your argument in favor of homosexuals making out in front of 6 yr old children is more reasonable than such a notion.
all the complaining about how this place has gone downhill is pretty retarded, even if i've said it myself once or twice. i mean, we're still HERE aren't we? if anyone thinks it really sucks so much it's pretty fucking dumb to keep posting on and on about it innit? and even dumber to think this place will ever be as entertaining as it was when lizard, erik, ali, max, [insert favorite defunct rc member] were here. just let it go dudes, it's an internet forum. they're born, they live, they die. this place is a cranky old geezer, get used to it.

so i say quit bitching or leave! i can't stand susperia at all and will never understand why she came here in the first place, but if pissing all you lot off was her motivation then i guess mission accomplished, eh? she's here to stay so ignore her as best you can when she isn't being annoying and let's stop bitching about all the retarded shit she's posted in the past. save your venom for when there's something actually worth responding to...
I don't mind the bitch, she's easily ignorable. It's when people start sucking on her excess clit meat that annoys me.

"You're such a wonderful painter"
"How much for a self portrait"
"Your nose isn't large, it's quite symmetrical"
"What a lovely toilet you have"
"That cake you baked dawned in corpse paint looks delicious"
"Wow, you have a cock in your mouth, hahahahaha, so witty!"
"Ohhh I care, believe you Cara I care!"

This has become her God damn personal blog/photobucket. Has this bitch ever discussed anything music related?!?! Fucking whore! Die of cancer you fucking annoying twat! The chemo will bring out your eyes!!! :mad:


I don't mind the bitch, she's easily ignorable. It's when people start sucking on her excess clit meat that annoys me.

"You're such a wonderful painter"
"How much for a self portrait"
"Your nose isn't large, it's quite symmetrical"
"What a lovely toilet you have"
"That cake you baked dawned in corpse paint looks delicious"
"Wow, you have a cock in your mouth, hahahahaha, so witty!"
"Ohhh I care, believe you Cara I care!"

This has become her God damn personal blog/photobucket. Has this bitch ever discussed anything music related?!?! Fucking whore! Die of cancer you fucking annoying twat! The chemo will bring out your eyes!!! :mad:



I like to complement people when they do a good job of something. Same as when I told MFJ, Erik, Mike, etc. that they make ace music, tell Swizzlenuts his beard kicks ass, offer praise for your extended laugh-inducing rants of colourful linguistic acrobatics, and so forth.