
This bullshit is what is going to destroy the folk metal scene. Not that I personally care as it isn't my genre of choice. 100% gimmicky crap.

:lol:...Jason, please don't hold back...tell us how you really feel.

Personally, I dig the pirate metal stuff, but I haven't heard this band yet. Of course, Running Wild is where I started to get into it to begin with.

I won't hold back at all.

I just find it funny how folk / pagan has been around for years, but now all of a sudden it is "acceptable" to like it, with the rise in popularity of Amon Amarth and now Pagan Fest.

Where was all the love just 2 years ago when this genre was only supported in the States by the Heathen Crusade.

Sorry, I know I can be extremely bold on things.
It's just sometimes hard to sit back and watch how genres that were completely dismissed previously, are now socially acceptable, because there are more "friendly" versions of it out there (IE - the NWOJFM, New Wave Of Jolly Folk Metal).
I won't hold back at all.

I just find it funny how folk / pagan has been around for years, but now all of a sudden it is "acceptable" to like it, with the rise in popularity of Amon Amarth and now Pagan Fest.

Where was all the love just 2 years ago when this genre was only supported in the States by the Heathen Crusade.

Sorry, I know I can be extremely bold on things.
It's just sometimes hard to sit back and watch how genres that were completely dismissed previously, are now socially acceptable, because there are more "friendly" versions of it out there (IE - the NWOJFM, New Wave Of Jolly Folk Metal).
Agreed. I suspect it seems weird to suggest that there are bands who are jumping on this bandwagon... but it's true.

There are bands who have been doing this for years. And now... along comes all these new Pagan/Folk bands, doing a watered down version and selling CDs. Odd.

I won't hold back at all.

I just find it funny how folk / pagan has been around for years, but now all of a sudden it is "acceptable" to like it, with the rise in popularity of Amon Amarth and now Pagan Fest.

Where was all the love just 2 years ago when this genre was only supported in the States by the Heathen Crusade.

Sorry, I know I can be extremely bold on things.
It's just sometimes hard to sit back and watch how genres that were completely dismissed previously, are now socially acceptable, because there are more "friendly" versions of it out there (IE - the NWOJFM, New Wave Of Jolly Folk Metal).

Agreed. I suspect it seems weird to suggest that there are bands who are jumping on this bandwagon... but it's true.

There are bands who have been doing this for years. And now... along comes all these new Pagan/Folk bands, doing a watered down version and selling CDs. Odd.


I admit to not noticing this genre until I began exploring bands such as Moonsorrow and Korpiklanni. With that said, I believe the pagan stuff (which is what the both of you are referring to) is different than the "pirate" themed music, such as Alestorm and Swashbuckle.

Yeah, I mean, I am happy that bands like Moonsorrow, etc, are benefiting from the genre being more acceptable.

Though, just like with hair metal in the 80s, you get a new crop of "lite" bands who are going to get more recognition by pretty much mocking the genre, more than anything.

It will pass quicky, like most fads.
Hell, everyone a couple years ago was worried that the power metal scene would see an influx of false fans, but DragonForce's 15 minutes are long up. Not dissing on DF or anything, but that's the closest thing that comes to mind of a similar situation I suppose.
I admit to not noticing this genre until I began exploring bands such as Moonsorrow and Korpiklanni. With that said, I believe the pagan stuff (which is what the both of you are referring to) is different than the "pirate" themed music, such as Alestorm and Swashbuckle.
Honestly, I haven't heard any "Pirate Metal". Possibly because I can't even write "Pirate Metal" without laughing a bit. However, I'm guessing it's musically similar, with pirates instead of vikings? And I think we'd all agree...

Vikings >>> Pirates

Swashbuckle are a horrible band. As Jason pointed out. They are a band that jumped on the bandwagon way to late in the game. A few years back before folk / viking metal really broke out. These guys were probabaly doing generic death metal and getting no where with it. Then this "new" genre pops up and suddenly they try to cash in. I am a huge folk / viking metal fan. Been into it for a long time. This kind of stuff drives me crazy, and I even like goofy bands like Alestorm.

This happens though with every genre. Once it hits a certain stage lots of generic bands change thier style to fit in and get a few new fans. While Paganfest is a great thing that is introducing bands that deserve it to a whole new audience...it is also now opening the doors to more copycat bands. This is why I stick to the more crazier Russian stuff.
hmmm...we've seen this happen within the other subgenres of metal..

lets just hope these guys don't blow up like Dragonforce did. I couldn't stand seeing half the teenage population wearing dragonforce shirts and they didn't even know any other bands in the genre that deserved just as much if not more credit...
could you imagine if Swashbuckle got huge.....everyone wearing pirate hats at shows.....dear god. Everyone would be trying to find rare hats to be KVult.
I may hav to go to the Ren Fair and stock up on hats to make some money in the this thing too.
Honestly, I haven't heard any "Pirate Metal". Possibly because I can't even write "Pirate Metal" without laughing a bit. However, I'm guessing it's musically similar, with pirates instead of vikings? And I think we'd all agree...

Vikings >>> Pirates


I need to jump on this trend and get my Zombie Metal band started in time for the genre to blow up huge!

Zombies >>> Vikings >>> Pirates >>> Ninjas >>> Vampires
Zombie metal?????????????

Take it you are unfamiliar with MORTICIAN then...

DF at least didn't start playing the way they did because it was trendy. Guitar Hero just helped it to catch on with younger audiences.
Zombie metal?????????????

Take it you are unfamiliar with MORTICIAN then...

DF at least didn't start playing the way they did because it was trendy. Guitar Hero just helped it to catch on with younger audiences.

But that's the point! A few bands may establish/define the genre and wallow in obscurity for a while but it's my intention to hop on the trend as it's taking off and ride the wave to fame and fortune!


Besides...they're deathgrind. The point is to make a Zombie folk metal band...because kids like that stuff ;)
Cool!!! Go for it!!!!
Every other Tom, Dick, and Harry are doing it.

I am sure some corporate sponsored tour will pick you up!

Maybe call yerselves the BLOODY FLESH MUNCHERS!