SWAT drugraid on family home

That clip brings major hate!
The worst thing is the helpnessless, what would you do if 10 Swats rush your house?!

And the wife and kid, shame!!!
I hope those cunts get hung upside down by the balls, seriously.
I'm glad I don't have a tiny dick so I need to get a fucking gun and shoot a defenseless domesticated pet to make myself feel like a man
two dogs, one was caged.

The cops bust in this guys house in the middle of the night and shoot his two dogs (one a pit bull that was caged in the kitchen and the other a Corgi) with children in the home. it turns out that rather than a big time drug dealer, this guy had a small pipe with some resin in it, a grinder, and what the cops here call "a small amount of marijuana" (meaning less than a few grams).
how is that any different from the hundreds of videos made by swat itself? i didn't see in any moment "excessive" use of force. Go on youtube, a lot of videos involves womans and kids in the house, and it is all dealt in the same way. Also i don't care about the amount of weed was found, if you don't want the Swat in your house, don't bring drugs into your house, specially if you have a child, if you blame the police for scar that child for life, think again.
how is that any different from the hundreds of videos made by swat itself? i didn't see in any moment "excessive" use of force. Go on youtube, a lot of videos involves womans and kids in the house, and it is all dealt in the same way. Also i don't care about the amount of weed was found, if you don't want the Swat in your house, don't bring drugs into your house, specially if you have a child, if you blame the police for scar that child for life, think again.

I dont blame the police, i blame swat.
If you honestly think that military force is needed to take down a normal family home, you are fucking retarded, im sorry, but thats my honest opinion.
I could understand that the police goes in with a warrant(Like they normally do.), but seriously, walking in with a para-military group and shooting the family pet standing IN FRONT of a child is fucked up.
If the guy who shot the dog had flinched, or if the kid would have tried to protect the dog, they might have ended up killing a child for a small amount of pot.
And who should we blame for scarring the child? The small amounts of weed the child probably never has seen his/her parents(Or just dad.) smoke, or the people who kicked in their door and shot both of their dogs(one of which was CAGED.)?

And stop calling swat "police", there is a huge fucking difference between a police and a swat team member.
Lets start calling Navy Seals "Meter Maids" when where at it.
That is just fuckin pathetic....all these cops must have got picked on in highschool and were at the bottom of the foodchain their whole life and now they have a gun they get trigger happy....if the dog was in the cage what was the purpose of killing it? that's just fuckin low if you ask me,

Notuern....What's the difference between police and swat? I thought swat consisted of Police officers with different training?
the swat didn't storm into the house because they "might-heard-someone-say-that-another-guy-said" that may be a few grams of weed in a house with a family. They were in with a police warrant, with dozen armed cops. I'm saying that they had evidence for sure, that it was more than some grams of weed.
If they knew that it would be family in the house, and they decided to go there anyway, is because the didn't had any other opportunity to get the guy.
Seeing this it sort of makes me happy how we handle drugs here in Holland.
I think the most horrific thing about this video is hearing that dog...man if there's something I hate it's hurting animals.. the dog didn't even bark..
Notuern....What's the difference between police and swat? I thought swat consisted of Police officers with different training?

Swat is an elite para-military group, that has special training for going in to "hotspots".
They are only supposed to be used when a situation is judged to be too dangerous for regular law enforcement officers.
Like hostage situations in banks, taking down druglords(Which wasnt really the case here.), taking care of gangwars, walking in to a house with people deemed "armed and dangerous" etc.
Simply put, they take care of the things that are in the middle ground between the military and police(For some reason they are considered a part of the police-force though.).

In this case, it was a family home, with a person who possessed small amounts of marijuana.
In these cases normally, the police is called in with a warrant.
IF this is how the situation would have been dealt with, the police would have knocked on the door, showed the warrant(If the residents complied.), asked them to lock their dogs in to the bathroom and then they would search the home with a detection dog, and if they found a good cause, they would simply arrest the suspects.
Normally, this is pretty undramatic(Unless the suspect resists arrest or something.).

But instead of doing this, someone thought it was a good idea to send in a para-military group armed to the teeth, and let them kick in the door, shoot their dog in front of the child, then kill the second caged dog just for fun and slam the unarmed man up against a wall under gunpoint just to get that whole gram of marijuana.
the swat didn't storm into the house because they "might-heard-someone-say-that-another-guy-said" that may be a few grams of weed in a house with a family. They were in with a police warrant, with dozen armed cops. I'm saying that they had evidence for sure, that it was more than some grams of weed.
If they knew that it would be family in the house, and they decided to go there anyway, is because the didn't had any other opportunity to get the guy.

from the way you are talking its obvious that your not american, nor understand how SWAT works. At the end of the day SWAT needs a quota, so that the officers can keep their jobs and they take what is deemed by the local police to be dangerous. Had they thought they were dealing with a druglord they would have needed SWAT but its obvious from the video that they were not dealing with a huge druglord operation.

When it comes to finding the person outside their homes, SWAT operates by doing their round of warrants at night in order of most dangerous to least dangerous, they don't wait to find where they person is, when its time for the warrant to be taken care of it, they go to the location the CIA/DEA has deemed to be the place the person they are after is most likely at.

Private investigators/bounty hunters wait and search for people getting them at the best time to minimize damage, SWAT does not.

Also remember, SWAT is the same military force that is known to open fire on peaceful protests. These are types of people that enjoy shooting to kill and when they get the opportunity they go for it because at the end of the day, SWAT's jobs is to eliminate the enemy at all costs, if they were looking to just capture someone, they would have used the local PD.

IMO SWAT are the nerd who were too pussy to join the military and would rather kill civilians because they still get to kill and its a lot harder for them to die if they are not facing a whole nation army overseas.

It may be different in different areas...but my neighbor is the NJ state police lieutenant, And was SWAT for years when he was just a regular local cop....And has never been in any form of military
the swat didn't storm into the house because they "might-heard-someone-say-that-another-guy-said" that may be a few grams of weed in a house with a family. They were in with a police warrant, with dozen armed cops. I'm saying that they had evidence for sure, that it was more than some grams of weed.
If they knew that it would be family in the house, and they decided to go there anyway, is because the didn't had any other opportunity to get the guy.

Not a dozen "armed cops", that would insinuate that it was law enforcement officers with handguns.
This was an elite para-military group armed with automatic rifles.

It wasnt more then a few grams of weed, they searched the house and they couldnt find more weed then for personal use(Thats why he got charged with it as a "misdemeanor".).
They definitely didnt have any evidence that he had any large quantities, but im sure that they knew he had something.. but sending in the SWAT-force for that is completely wrong.

If they had sent the police things would have been dealt with ALLOT smoother, and no dogs would have been killed, and the child wouldnt be scarred for life.

But if you think its ok to send a para-military force in to a family's home and slaughter their pets, thats fine.. i just hope they do that to you some day.


It may be different in different areas...but my neighbor is the NJ state police lieutenant, And was SWAT for years when he was just a regular local cop....And has never been in any form of military

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWAT said:
A SWAT (special weapons and tactics)[1][2] team is an elite paramilitary tactical unit in American and some international law enforcement departments. They are trained to perform high-risk operations that fall outside of the abilities of regular officers. Their duties include performing hostage rescues and counter-terrorism operations, serving high risk arrest and search warrants, subduing barricaded suspects, and engaging heavily-armed criminals. A SWAT team is often equipped with specialized firearms including assault rifles, submachine guns, shotguns, carbines, riot control agents, stun grenades, and high-powered rifles for snipers. They have specialized equipment including heavy body armor, entry tools, armored vehicles, advanced night vision optics, and motion detectors for covertly determining the positions of hostages or hostage takers inside of an enclosed structure.

Edit: Oh, and para-military simply implies that they work under "military conditions".. by legal measures, they are like regular police officers, but their training and the way they work is military.