Swedish Musicians & Government Dole

Schizoid Man

Feb 10, 2005
I was talking to a guitarist who graduated from Berklee College Of Music and we were discussing how all these metal bands from Sweden make any money. Those of you who know may correct me, but this guy told me that those bands receive a government styffen (which I guess is goverment assistance). Of course, these styffens are for citizens of Sweden only.

Those of you from Sweden, please enlighten me.
It's weird. Some bands from Sweden have mentioned this to me (I think Mikael A. from Opeth did), yet last year at PP, Daniel Gildenlow from Pain of Salvation was surprised when I mentioned it.

Maybe it's only given out to bands with growly vox, which might explain a thing or two about Sweden. :D
Yes, I think that if you have a career that does not make any money, the Govt. gives you money so you can pay your bills, eat, etc. It's like our welfare, I think but they don't like to call it that. I can't remember all what my friend had said about it. I think it's for all artists and not just musicians.
Yes I have heard this as well. Its like Welfare.

metal dreams said:
Yes, I think that if you have a career that does not make any money, the Govt. gives you money so you can pay your bills, eat, etc. It's like our welfare, I think but they don't like to call it that. I can't remember all what my friend had said about it. I think it's for all artists and not just musicians.