Sweeping Question


Can't Shred - Yet!
Jul 20, 2004
Hey guys, I'm new to this board so first off I'd like to say this is easily the best forum I've ever seen on the net. Everyone here seems civil, well informed and really friendly & everyones opinions seem to be respected - unlike almost every other forum in existence!

Anywho, my question is about sweep picking when there are the same frets on the strings. An example is from the interlude in The Turning:


What I try is basically like a bar chord: index finger across all three strings on the 13th fret and ring finger to pull off. My problem is, all the "13"s ring out making what I'm playing not sound anything like what it should!

I've seen this in some Petrucci solos too & I'd love to know how to do it. I'm pretty good otherwise - decent Legato, pretty good picking (I can do the Eyes of Medusa solo no problem) and decent sweeping - except when theres a same fret situation involved!

The way I'm doing it seems good in theory (less finger movement) but poor in practice (too muddy). Any advice to help me out would be greatly appreciated!

Off topic, If anyone could help me out getting a cool avatar etc cos seeing as this forum rules, Symphony X :worship: are my favourite band and Romeo :worship: my favourite guitarist, I'll be here ALOT! :)
It seems the most logical thing to do - maybe there's some sort of magical way of rolling your finger to dampen the strings, or brushing ur right hand fingers to dampen them...... But TBH that seems impossilbe! :)

If anyone can help, It would kick-ass cos that bit in the Turning is so cool, I'd love to be able to do it properly. I'm Irish tho, so I'm going offline now - so don't be insulted if I don't reply until tomorrow! Thanks..
First of all, my sweeping sucks. So be warned.

What I'd do would be pull off from my ring to my index finger, rotate my wrist (rapidly) and simultaniously finger the next sting (with my middle finga') and release the one I am on. Then again rotate my wrist and fret the g-string (no pun intended) with my index finger.

It sounds more complicated, but I think it'll be easier in pratice.

Then again, my sweeping sucks.
It's a barre form, but don't put any pressure on the string until you are about to strike it with the pick. Then, when you go to strike the string above the current string, roll your barre finger from the current string to the new string. If you played it slowly, you would have a staccato effect as you slowly sweep up the strings. Just like the previous two posts stated - rolling your barre finger as you sweep up the strings.

Go slowly first and listen for the staccato - when you sweep fast, the staccato is much less apparent, but necessary so you don't end up with a chord rather than an arpeggio.
There is no staccato sound when you play it fast. I was merely using it as an example for when you play slowly. Perhaps a bad description in my book - you're playing the sweeps fast, so the staccato resulting from letting loose of the note as you hit the next note is what I was referring to. Deaden the previous note as you're striking the next note so you don't have the notesrunningintoeachother, creating a chord rather than an arpeggio...